Wondering if anyone has almost passed out from still being on blood pressure meds and...

on 2/3/15 9:38 am

Just giving a little update! Doctor said that I could cut my atenolol in half! :) I pray that it will not cause any problems, but she did say that I'd be surprised just how much a little weight loss can do.

My blood pressure there, the first time they took it, was 120/78, but I had been up moving around, and had eaten so don't know if that makes much of a difference. They did the test where they check it lying, sitting, and standing, and the lying and standing were close to the same, but the sitting up one was a little lower, but not by much. My pulse was all over the map so they did an EKG (one of many that I have had) lol, and thank the Lord, it was normal.

So, tonight will be the first night that I'll be taking half of the dose that I've taken for years, so we'll see! Hopefully all will go well!

Thank you all again for your responses, and hope you have a great night!


on 2/3/15 9:58 am
RNY on 07/21/14

I have lost 89 pounds and am still on meds. I bought a BP cuff at CVS (automatic) and check it at different times of the day. I record I and  bring it to my PCP as he said that will give him a better picture.


on 2/4/15 4:37 am

I stopped by Walmart last night and bought one that goes around the wrist. I figure I'll do like your are; that way I can see if there is a true drop and not just a feeling (hopefully won't happen again though!)

Congratulations on the almost 90 pound loss! :)

on 2/4/15 12:22 am

I've lost 75 and have had nothing but trouble with my BP.  I have a heart condition and had high BP so I was taking bystolic.  After surgery, I had a stricture and wasn't able to eat for 16 days!  The little I tried to put in, just came back up.  Ended up in ICU with LOW magnesium and my heart stopped THREE times!  They had to give me 3 liters of fluid the first few hours because of dehydration.  Since then I've been in the hospital about 8 times.  (in 5 months)  I have a new arrhythmia caused by my heart stopping so I HAVE to be on beta blockers, (i.e. bystolic) BUT now I have VERY low BP.  Rarely over 100, even dropping into the 80's.  I black out EVERY time I stand up from sitting/laying, or if I try to stand too long or walk very far.  I'm in a wheelchair outside the house.  Today I can tell I'm a bit dehydrated, (my lips are chapped) and when I got out of bed this am, I passed out and woke up on the floor.  So now I'm sitting here with a BIG glass of water, forcing it in, then I'll do another.  
I now take carvedilol but can only take 3.15mg which is a teeny tiny dose and I have to take Fludroctisone .1mg to INCREASE my volume and try to combat the low BP.  My cardio says it'll be a a dosage game until we see what I can handle.  Every time I loose 5 pounds I have to check in with him and get my orthostatic BP's done (laying/sitting/standing).  At least at 160lbs, my husband can pick me up now!  LOL  

I hope they work this out for you, sounds like your dr is on top of it.  GET IN THOSE FLUIDS!!!!!  Can't say that enough.  Another thing that helps are those stockings.  You can get them at Walmart, they are white and you can get knee high (what I have) or thigh high.  They aren't pretty but they do help with your BP.  


Good luck and God Bless,


on 2/4/15 4:42 am

Bless your heart! I'm so sorry that you have been going through so much; that would have to be so challenging, and hard to deal with passing out all the time!

I hope that your meds can get figured out and you'll be back on your feet and not having to worry about things on no time!

I'll keep you in my prayers! :)

on 2/4/15 5:16 am

Thank you.  I hope they get you figured out as well so you can do all the fun stuff you want!  



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