I have to loose 18lbs in a month!! Advice please

on 2/2/15 9:47 am

I am currently working on some more weight loss. I have stopped eating anything after 7 pm. I do as much exercise as I can in a day. I have lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks. I also stopped using salt. I think 5 lbs of my loss was water weight. My biggest weight gain was eating after 7pm because of my weird hours I stay awake. I stay up late at night, now I go to bed by 11pm. Before I would stay up until 1 or 2 am...good luck.

7stents (2003)...Heart Attack(2004)...Open Heart (2004)....Wls (2007)...Heart attack 2012...1 stent (2012)...Heart Attack (2013)...Heart Attack (2013)...1 stent(2013)
~~~Best Vitamin For Making Friends  B1~~~

on 2/2/15 10:07 am

I am reading all these insurance requirements and wondering why I wasn't put on all these requirements too. I actually wished I was. I may have hit my total goal weight loss in the end. I still had that last 20 lbs  to lose and never did. I am working on it now but its almost 8 years later. I did lose 100 lbs with no regain . I have maintained all these years.I just never got to my total goal of 120 loss. I would have liked to have gotten there  my first 18 months post op... Well whats done is done.

7stents (2003)...Heart Attack(2004)...Open Heart (2004)....Wls (2007)...Heart attack 2012...1 stent (2012)...Heart Attack (2013)...Heart Attack (2013)...1 stent(2013)
~~~Best Vitamin For Making Friends  B1~~~

on 2/3/15 4:45 am - Vancouver, WA

Just my 2 cents but I will never do anything crazy to lose weight ever again, no all water diets or 100 calories a day diets to lose for anybody. I've never heard of the insurance co requiring a certain amount or percentage of weight loss, now I have heard and seen a LOT of surgeons require them and sometimes they aren't even healthy to do. To have to lose 5 lbs a week is a little crazy in my book and wouldn't even try to do it. At most I would do the 2 shakes a day and a balanced meal of protein and veggies and log all that so I could show the surgeon or nutty NUT what I ate but no crazy stuff. You want a strong healthy body for surgery and healing not a weak run down one! Call your insurance and make sure you know what THEIR requirements are because like i said most of the crazy requirements come from the surgeons or their nutty NUTs!

Andy G
on 2/4/15 1:45 am - TX

Quest Bars.... Chocolate Chip Cookie dough, Oreo Cookie, white Chocolate Rasberry, Cinnamon Roll, Bananna Nut Muffin, Strawberry Cheesecake, Double Chocolate Chunk.....and many more

Use them as meal replacements...they do fill me up. even before I had surgery.  They have 3-4 Net Carbs, and only 3 to 5 sugars.   also......you can bake them ohhh sooo goood.... I do in my toaster Oven 350 for about 7-8 min on parchment paper....then let rest for a couple of minutes....OH SOOOOOO GOOOOOODDDD>......... like cookies or muffins.  The Strawberry CHeesecake I use a dab of sugar free jam on them..... they do fill you up....

Also DRINK DRINK DRINK Water....... I drink at least 100 oz a day.... Not only does it flush out your system of impurities, but also flushes fat....you wont be near as hungry either....and a workout running to the bathroom all day.   Another good protien shake it Nectar by Syntrax.  I do the Double stuff Cookie which is like oreos...... I use ice and unsweetened Vanilla Almond milk in a blender....about 8-10 oz of powder ...oh and it has 25g of Protien......So I let it go in the blender...get it good and Frothy and Ice all blended and its a great smoothie.......  You can also order sample packs of it  mayeb amazon..... I get mine at All Star Health .com  if you order 2 its free shipping and the cheapest I have found..... Vitamin Shoppe is about 37-39.00  and All Start last time I checked was about 10.00 cheaper......

Anyway good luck to you..... YOU CAN DO IT

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