I am scheduled for one in June and am so scared because so many say they are unhappy with the results. Insurance is covering it and I'm unable to pay for a TT at this time. I'm down 75 lbs and have had two c sections. I like my body and curves just not the hanging part of my tummy. Any advice/pictures and welcome!! Thank you!!
on 1/31/15 10:48 am
Generally, the panni is skin removal only. It usually only allows the surgeon to take off the 'apron' of skin from the waist down.
A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty usually includes tightening of the abdominal muscles, re-working of the belly button, lifting of the mons.
My tummy tuck was a hip to hip incision. My doc built me a new belly button, tightened my muscles and lifted the mons area. I paid 6,500.00 out of pocket for the out patient procedure. Insurance did not pay anything.
Many times, Insurance will only pay for the panni, skin removal and not the 'cosmetic' features of the full abdominoplasty. Many doctors will allow their patients to self-pay the difference between the 2.
Go to my profile and see pics... 11lbs removed with also TT... VERY sad looking pics of skin hanging and also wake up gone... I was very emotional after gone... It was amazing feeling but with years and years of having stomach like that it was hard to just wake up and be not there... Good luck and happy journey...
Karma....What would life be without it? 250lbs gone! 410/160... Life's sweet!
The biggest thing I can recommend is to wait until your weight is stablized 6 months. If you still have weight to lose and continue losing after the surgery, you will be displeased as your stomach starts to hang again
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
My advice is the same as Valerie G.
Get to a weight that you have maintained for six months and that is within 10 pounds of where you intend to stay for life. Losing or gaining more than ten pounds is going to sabotage your surgery.
Discuss your concerns with your surgeon. He should be able to show you pictures and tell you exactly what he plans to do and how he expects you to look afterward.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I had a very large pannus and so had the panniculectomy (paid for by insurance) and then later paid for a tummy tuck. Having just the panniculectomy isn't a problem for some, and they look fine afterward, but those are usually people who don't have a lot of excess skin (and residual fat) above the waist. If you do have excess skin above the waist, what you end up with is a very flat lower belly and the what ends up looking like a giant muffin top above it. It looks odd (and frequently tips off people that you lost a bunch of weight and had the panniculectomy done). Many people with excess skin above the waist end up unhappy with the outcome.
You might not NEED to be able to afford a full tummy tuck, though. Some people really don't need the muscle tightening and can get away with just skin removal above the belly button. That will eliminate the issue with skin overhanging your waistband, it is significantly cheaper than a full TT (although some plastic surgeons will try to talk you into the full TT, and I have even heard of some saying they "can't" do that, which is completely ridiculous!!), and it is a MUCH easier recuperation.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.