Severe Heartburn
Hello everyone! I used to be on this site 9 years ago. I was wondering if anybody can answer me a question about severe heartburn. I have been having really bad heartburn all day long no matter what I eat or what I drink it could be just a piece of bread or anything bland and I get heartburn just from putting it into my mouth and swallowing a tiny piece. I just recently was told by my regular primary care physician to start taking ibuprofen for inflammation I have in my arms I told her that I was not able to take NSAIDs she said I should be fine by now. I'm wondering if I have a hernia or something and that's why I have the severe heartburn?? Should I call my surgeon and see if he can see me again after all these years??thank you all for your responses.
First of all, do NOT take ibuprofen !!!!!!! that can hurt your stomach more than anything. I know this because the reason I had my first RNY in 2007 is because I had severe acid reflex. I started out going to my family doctor and he put me on numerous different medications for acid reflex over months and finally had me see a surgeon. He then did more test and determined I needed this surgery. I weighed 265lbs and got down to 150lbs. When I had the RNY my acid reflex immediately went away. I too could not eat or drink anything not even water without the acid acting up. as for the ibuprofen, I was told to never take it again. I hope this is some what helpful to you. Good luck and get in and see your family doctor ASAP :) Gina
Severe heartburn, regardless of the surgery you had, is serious business and needs to be evaluated and treated properly. Get yourself an appointment with your surgeon ASAP. Because our sleeves and pouches are so small, excess acid has an even greater impact on our stomachs. It can cause ulcers (which you might have) and can eventually lead to esophageal cancer.
Don't mess around with this - get seen soon, please!