Looking for anyone who has had Lapband over Bariatric with Dr. Edward Hannoush in CT

on 2/3/15 1:46 am

I too struggled with weight gain after gastric bypass years ago.  I didn't get diabetes thankfully but have some other health issues that have been plaguing me.  A physician's assistant at the gastroenterologist recommended that I go gluten free and maybe that would solve some of my problems.  I truly didn't believe her, but then read up on it and a lot of my symptoms and autoimmune diseases seemed to fall under the "gluten" category so I gave it a try.  It was tough at first and confusing.  Then I tried buying the processed gluten free stuff in the health food aisle and discovered that those items were not healthy at all so I stuck to more of a clean eating health plan, which is similar to what a heart patient or diabetes patient would follow.  I just shop the perimeters of the grocery store, buy from the local farmers market in season.  I did cut out most dairy because that seemed to cause me problems.  I discovered the "heart attack symptoms" I thought I was having (actually had an angiogram) were gluten.  They disappeared once I went gluten free.  I didn't realize it until I ate something with gluten and they returned.  I have to be honest - it did not help all my aches and pains or other health issues - but they think I may have fibromyalgia along with thyroid issues.  BUT WITHOUT TRYING I LOST 40+ LBS.  That alone and the disappearance of heart attack symptoms were enough to make me go gluten free permanently.  I'm not celiac but gluten certainly does a number on my body.  They have done studies too linking gastic bypass with gluten sensitivity and its a chicken and egg thing - they don't know which came first, the gluten sensitivity which makes people gain weight or the gastric bypass which gives people a gluten sensitivity.  I don't care, I just feel better with my eating choices.  Now if I could just kick the sugar habit...

Good luck to you, I am proof you can loose weight after gastric bypass, you just have to work at it.  I'm confident you will do it too, it sounds like you are in the right direction.  I had Barba too.



on 2/3/15 1:50 am - South Windsor, CT

Thank you for the great info on the gluten. I am going to try gluten free for one because it's so much better for us and two, it can't hurt to lose weight from eating gluten free and clean as you say.  I am glad your heart attack symtpoms disappeared!  Also, congratulations on your 40+ lb weight loss.  That is awesome too. 

I appreciate your feedback and info.




on 2/3/15 2:44 am

I give you credit Karen, for all the exercise classes.  That takes dedication!  I don't have the energy!  I need to loose a lot more but would settle on getting to 220, I'd probably be a size 14-16 then.  I've long given up on being a size 9 or 12 and my weight chart weight.  I just want to be healthy and feel good.  Perhaps when the nice weather gets here I can start small walks.  I just realized you're in the same town as me.  Same doctor too.  I often felt he didn't do a good job.  It had to be back in 2004 or so, although I can't quite remember.  I felt like the pouch was too big and bypass wasn't quite right but I figured it was a tool and this was my battle to overcome.  Small world.

on 2/3/15 3:12 am - South Windsor, CT

I do really like Jazzercise so it makes it easier.  Oh wow, that is so cool we are in the same town!  I had my surgery in Aug 2005.  I feel the same as you that the pouch could have been too big.  I had three follow up scalero (sp?) therapies done too with Barba but that didnt seem to work and in hindsight should have never had that done. It's a procedure where he injects something to the opening of the pouch to make it smaller.  I saw the surgeon that took over for Barba at St. Francis when Barba left. He did an endoscopy and said that he would have to do a revision.  He said at that time there was no emergency to have to get it done unless I wanted to lose more weight.  Anyway, to make a long story short, I also asked that surgeon about a procedure that Dr. Barba wanted to do on me. Barba wanted to shorten my intenstines for more weight loss.  I am glad I never had that done.  UGH! 

In regards to excercise, if you ever want to try a Jazzercise class in Windsor Locks I will be happy to go with you.  That is where I go. If you want to get together and walk when the weather is nicer please let me know and I will send you my info. 

You will do great too.  I do low impact at the classes and I can't jump around so well and have an issue with my foot but so far so good.

Yes Small World.  :)


on 2/4/15 11:09 pm

Wow, I didn't realize they could inject something in the pouch.  Did that work at all?  I seem to be able to eat a good amount, with no problems.  Have you had your vitamin levels monitored?  I was severely deficient in vitamin B12 and D, even after prescription.  I also had to get IV iron infusions (I was chewing ice like it was going out of style).  Once I got my D up (prescription 50,000 units 3x a week, now 50,000 2x week - I know it seems excessive but it's the only thing that keeps my D in range) I lost 10 lbs in one week.  I wasn't dieting and I thought my scale was broken.  I put new batteries in it, then put it in different rooms in my house to weigh myself, that's how amazed I was and how much I thought it was wrong.  But I went to the doctor and the 10 lbs was confirmed.  Bringing up the D levels also helped my extremely painful periods (the first day of every period felt like I was having labor pains, but no abnormal fibroids on ultrasound detected - I'm talking I would push my hands against the wall and brace myself for the cramp type of pain), well the periods are better now. 

I have chronic back issues and the possible fibromyalgia so I think Jazzercise is out but if I can get into this new doctor I'm trying to see for the fibro and get my energy up I'd love to start walking in the Spring.


on 2/4/15 11:37 pm - South Windsor, CT

It was a strange procedure but he injects something into the opening of the pouch to make it smaller however it didn't work. I will get my levels checked.  I think it's been about one year since I had them checked. I too had to get iron transfusions.  I am sorry to hear about the painful periods.  I had that too and heavy bleeding but then got the ablation done last year and my tubes tied and no more periods, but I am past my child bearing years so that was ok!

Yes Jazzercise may not be the best for you.  I hope the new doctor straightens things out, but sure he/she will for you! 

on 2/5/15 2:57 am

I had the ablation many years ago and it was good.  I went back to see if I could get it again and they recommended hormones or birth control (I had my tubes tied 15 years ago!).  I didn't want to add fuel to the fire or chance blood clots or other side effects so I declined.  I am so waiting for NO more periods, menopause could happen anytime now, but I've been saying that for a few years. I'll be 50 this year so it should happen soon!!!  I just want energy, to not be in pain daily and to get restful sleep and to get off meds.  Somehow I feel if I could go to a naturopathic doctor or even better - a functional medicine doctor - but insurance doesn't cover the expensive bill.  Functional medicine doctors treat the underlying cause, not cover up the symptom with a pill.  But I hate to complain, I'm an optimist - I'm alive and breathing and able to work, which is something to be grateful for - so that's all I'll say on the subject.  LOL.

on 2/5/15 3:09 am - South Windsor, CT

I don't blame you for not wanting to add fuel to the fire. To be in pain and not be able to sleep is awful.  I feel badly for you.  I am sure though, as you seem like the type of person, that you will find someone to help you.  I never heard of a functional medicone doctor - sure makes sense though. Yes insurance is so bad.  Funny how they won't cover things that make sense!  I was on VicToza for my diabetes and it was working but now they won't cover it.  Sad with insurance the way it is.  I don't think you are complaining, you are sharing your issues and you sound like a very grateful person.  I am sure you will get to the bottom of the pain and sleepless nights so you can be energized!  You deserve that.  You are young!  I am going to be 54 this month.  I don't like the number but like you say, I am alive and breathing. WE have to move forward with our health. I am routing for you! :)

on 2/5/15 10:10 pm

That's ridiculous about the diabetes medication.  Can you appeal it?  If something is working when other things have failed you should be able to appeal it.  I used to work for an insurance broker (before the days of HIPPA laws) and you can appeal insurance decisions, sometimes it takes one or two appeals but it can work, especially with your doctors help, but I know you are waiting to get into the endocrinologist.  Our health insurance and medical care in this country has a long way to go.  My current insurance won't even cover WLS.  My husband would like to consider it and his doctor highly recommends it but its not even an option without insurance coverage.  I'm not sure he would actually do it, considering mine wasn't highly successful, barely successful to be honest, but I'm not at that same weight so I will take what I can get.  I work for a good sized employer too, that encourages healthy choices in lunch time talks, incentives, and other health initiatives it brings to the workplace.  But I guess the health insurance would rather incur the possibility of years of diabetes and heart disease and joint and other problems which will definitely mount into the hundreds of thousands than the $10-20,000 or so for WLS.  Besides, hubby just cuts out fast food lunches and maybe changes his soda to juice and drops 30 lbs. in two weeks! It makes me so mad when I struggle for every ounce and pound.  I remember being young hearing people in their 50s say it's so hard to loose weight, do it while your young and I'd think it's easy I can drop 10 lbs. in a week, they must not be trying.  Boy have I learned to eat those words!!!  All those years of yo-yo dieting and age has messed up my metabolism.

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