Prozac (fluoxitine) capsules

on 1/23/15 6:00 am

Since you're getting a Sleeve, you *should* be okay swallowing capsules. RNYers have a small stoma that pills have to pass through, but that's not an issue for Sleevers.

(deactivated member)
on 1/24/15 5:40 am

not worrying but getting them down, have already been told to crush, my question is will they work the same, don't want to be making a million different "let's see if this works," ben down that road way too many times.

andy M.
on 1/26/15 2:55 pm - fairfax, VA

i also take 40mg fluoxetine and after surgery my doctor told me that it would be ok for me to swallow that pill, but he told me if i felt more comfortable opening the pill and mixing it with my other pills ( i had to crush my vitamins for the 1st month post op) that i could do that. So for the first month post op I just opened the pill and mixed it with my crushed vitamins. I was worried that a pill might get stuck and I didn't want to risk that right after surgery especially with the sutures healing and all. So its basically up to you, but get your doctors opinions before you make your decision

on 1/26/15 10:03 pm

You should be fine I was told to use the size of a pencil eraser as a guide. Also, if you have to break it open, try using a TINY BIT of DILUTED apple juice. I have to open most of my pills and found out from phArmacist and the makers of Prozac, and also the PPI that we take right after surgery, that the medications won't stick to the side of the cup that way, and actually work a little better. Water is more convenient, obviously. And of  course do what ur team says. More than likely u won't have to. Break it. There is a liquid form of Prozac. But for the price most insurance companies want out of pocket for it, imho, I can think of at least a million other things I would prefer to spend several hundred bucks on. But that's me. You will do great. Take some earplugs and an eye mask to the hospital so you can get some decent sleep, and you will be home before you know it! Good luck


on 1/26/15 10:41 pm

Thanks for the responses everyone! I was told yesterday at my pre-op that opening the capsules would be ok. I was told not to swallow the whole pill until a month post-op. Thank goodness because I just had this prescribe filled and can't afford the liquid out of pocket right now with all these expensive vitamins and supplements I've had to buy lol. 

Thanks for the well wishes Bibo. I am getting nervous but relieved to know I will finally have that extra help I need to get healthy. 2 days to go!


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