loose skin?
hi all! I'm currently hoping to get weight loss surgery but I had a few questions,
I'm worried about loose skin, not so much on my stomach because that's my problem area and who cares right?
But I'm more afraid of having it loose on my arms and my legs, I don't feel like my legs and arms are that big but. I'm terrified.
Unfortunately loose skin is a very real possibility. There are many factors that determine this such as age, how long you've been obese, how big you are, how well you take care of yourself, and how much exercise you get. There are some people who did a lot of strength training and ended up with little to no loose skin and there's people who did lite sporadic exercise and have a lot. I'd recommend staying on top of your exercise and protein. Especially since plastics usually aren't covered by insurance and is financially not an option for everyone.
Well, buckle up my dear because it's going to happen...it's just a matter of how much. Factors that play into that: Your weight, age, ethnicity, how long you've been obese and the amount of stretch marks you have.
Stretch marks = damaged skin that will never "snap back" into place. Also, if you've been heavy for a number of years (or decades) you have actually grown new skin to cover your size. As you lose weight that skin doesn't evaporate...it will hang.
I wasn't surprised by the excess skin on my stomach but I was really surprised about the excess skin on my back. Didn't expect that...
Ask yourself this: do you really think that excess skin is more unattractive than having 100 extra pounds (or 200 or however much you have) hanging from your body? The excess skin you have camouflage and deal with, people won't see it unless you want them to. Not so for the 100-200 extra lbs. many of us carried around for years.
Fixing the stomach loose skin required plastic surgery for me. The rest of my body responded well to exercise with weight machines, treadmill, elliptical and water aerobics. The loose skin is not noticeable because I built a lot of muscle underneath it. I also did a lot of exfoliating and tightening creams. Not sure how much good it did, but my skin looks great.
When I met my personal trainer, she said she found it hard to believe that I had had weight loss surgery, because of how my skin looks. I was 59 having surgery.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends