Hair loss Ds vs. Vsg
What's your priority? Losing weight, being healthy, living longer, or dealing with the possibility of short term hair loss?
If you "just can't do it" cancel WLS now.

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Height: 5'-7" HW: 449 SW: 392 GW: 179 CW: 220
Google 'telogen effluvium'. It will explain why post-op---from ANY sort of major surgery!---happens, and why there's nothing you can do to prevent it. It' doesn't happen to everyone, and even for people it happens to after one surgery may not experience after a different surgery. (For example---you may have it after a gall bladder removal this year, and next year you get your appendix out but it DOESN'T happen.)
I had the DS, had very little hair loss. Had a hernia repair, lost hair like crazy. Each time, it grew back thicker than before.
on 1/21/15 7:07 am
You are too funny sis. Look, we are going to lose the hair, if I have to I'll get a pixie cut again, it is so adorable, I did it last march and now my hair is shoulder length. Never did the weave thing. But if you are ok with weaves, what are you worried about. Weave it until your hair grows back. Girl ya hot mess. When is your surgery?
Thanks everyone it's sucks that it's probably nothing I can do about it, but it's a major issue for me as I have had issues with my hair all my life! I wear weaves and extension all the time as protective styles and have helped my hair grow but I know when the hair is thin and weak that's not an option 😪 and yes I'm kinda vain but I'm not going to opt out of surgery because of hair loss wtf! I know the goal is to be healthy I'm not stupid! But anyhow, I guess I'll just have to wait and see.