Hair loss Ds vs. Vsg
I haven't posted In a while but I finally have a surgery date 2/11/2015 so with my surgery coming, im wondering do people who get VSG lose hair like the people who get the ds? I'm asking because my family member had the DS surgery, she was fine for 6 months then she start losing all of her hair she went from good length super thick,natural hair to thin and can see her scalp! I can't afford to lose ANY of my hair! I know it's just hair and it will grow back, but my hair grows slow and It took me a long time to get it healthy and thick! I just can't do it!! It won't make me change my mind about having surgery (I'm not that girl) I'm just wondering if there is anything I can do to prevent it like a hair vitamin or is it just the DS'ers that lose hair like crazy because of the malabsorption? I'm having Vsg btw is the luck of the draw. Some don't loose any or much, most of us just plain loose hair. For me it became noticeable at about 5 months and continued to thin to about the one year mark. Its all back now in its more than thick glory but you will get over it quickly because you and everyone else will be noticing the healthy body emerging...not your hair.
There is really nothing you can do to prevent it, save your money for your wardrobe. Really hair loss is a very small price to pay for improved health.

on 1/16/15 11:13 pm
It's the anesthesia that causes the hair loss. You will be supplimenting with all surgeries and it will grow back. I would rather be healthy and smaller with a fresh new head of hair growing in than, unhealthy and overweight with long hair.
"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker
"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White
I started losing mine about 3 months post op until maybe 6 months. I lost quite a bit but not enough to be noticeable to other people unless they looked in the shower after me. lol I took biotin but not sure if that helped or not... Anytime something traumatic happens (high fever, surgery, childbirth, etc) people can lose hair. I lost more after the VSG than after having my babies. I would think it would be worse after DS than VSG since there is malabsorption involved in the DS... But a little hair loss (or even a lot of hair loss!) is totally worth it for a new, healthier life IMO.
on 1/17/15 5:57 am
I think with babies, your estrogen levels cause your hair shedding cycle to slow down during pregnancy, so women often get thicker hair during pregnancy. Then after the baby comes, that extra hair is shedding.

The stress on the body is why you lose hair, not the anesthesia. It is well established medical fact that the weight loss surgery very specifically causes hair loss during the stages of the most rapid weight loss. A very small percentage of people may lose hair after any stressful surgery, but nearly all people lose hair after weight loss surgery. I have had 7 different surgeries in my life (under anesthesia) and only lost hair with the weight loss surgery as my doctor explained I would. You have been misinformed I am afraid.
Hi Nikky! I am worried about this too. I have PCOS also and that has caused me hairloss too but is under control with medication. I hope all goes okay for you. I have been reading up on telogen effluvium and it's helping to ease my mind as most articles say the hair does grow back. Good luck and let us know how you get on. xx