keeping wls private
I am having the same dilemma. I went for my orientation Sept. 29, 2014 and no one but my husband knew about this. Over the Christmas holidays I told my best friend because she will be the one helping me when my husband is not around. I havent told anyone at work. Today I got the call for my 1st surgeons appt. and now all of a sudden I'm scared and thinking how am I going to explain to people at work why I am not eating as per usual. I feel I need to let people know because I work with all females who are definately gossip gals. They would have all kinds of stories to explain my "hopeful" weightloss. Also how much time did people need to be off work from? again my coworkers will be wondering where am I and why?
on 1/20/15 8:55 am
It's nobodies business. you could reply, I'm exercising more, eating clean and healthy. 200lbs do you even qualify for wls??? basically it's none of their business, tell them you fast weekly. OUr church is in the process of a 21 day fast like the Daniel fast. You will find the answers, don't worry
I'm on a gem and jewelry forum as well, and many of the women have simulants in their rings (eg Cz)- and the question always comes up, "should I tell? Or can I "pass it off" I feel guilty!"
I think as women many of us have this feeling that we have to justify ourselves and our choice, and that our personal decisions are free for anyone to scrutinize should they only have the chutzpah to ask.
for me, it's the same thing- my choice my business. If anyone asks me, I'll say New Years resolution. Case closed. If anyone "finds out" and gets hurt about it, I real evaluate their emotional stability, because that would be stupid on their part. It has nothing to do with anyone else, it's completely your choice.

on 1/20/15 9:38 am
I had my sleeve done Thursday. It is Tuesday night and I have had a tough day.
I'm replying as someone who chose the opposite. First I told my mom & children when primary doc recommend it. I included my siblings & thier spouses & dad & stepmother after surgeon apt.
One day after church a dear friend said "how are you", fine, "what is going on with you" not much. This goes on for a while between chatting about everything thng else. Finally she says, I can wait a long as you need, but I know you have something going on. So I cried & told her - how can I tell you about bariatric surgery when you are in Chemo?! She hugged me so sweetly & said because I am your friend and you need to not be alone any more than I do.
Over several months I only told a few people, but then I needed to cover my Sunday school class & responsibilities around church & the kids schools. At first I was vague and mentioned I needed to get a procedure done. I think people asumed it was girl junk.
During the 3 week of my 1st round of liquids ( stupid delay things ) I told the other Sunday school ladies. They hugged and cried and told me they knew this must have been a lot of work. 32 days liquid that time, ugh
Then I got brave & told more people & I heard stories like, I got mine done 10 years ago. And My mom is in Mexico right now please pray for her.
Then in a bold brave move I went Facebook official. By morning I had 105 replies of love and support and encouragement.
I am incredibly blessed to have a church body that cares for me & my family. I hope one day can be there when someone else needs a experienced shoulder to lean on.
But for now I am the weak one who knows I am being prayed for.
I had to tell them at work. There is one person at work that took it on her own and spread it around the building. When I spoke to her about it......she just stated that she was proud for me. I did not tell any family or church members. When someone stated that they noticed I have lost weight I always say thank you for noticing. When asked how....I state portion control and lots of hard work. When asked if I have had WLS...I always answer "Do you know how expensive that is....I wish I had that kind of money" when asked how much weight have I lost ,... I answer "not nearly a lot more to lose"! ....I feel that I am not lying. This is my journey and nobody elses.