Am I eligible for a weight loss revision?

on 1/7/15 4:33 am
On January 7, 2015 at 12:04 PM Pacific Time, K. W wrote:

First off, calling people "sweetie" and "honey" is extraordinarily rude. 

Secondly, a revision is a useless option for someone *****fuses to follow plan by putting protein forward. 

The doctor who did the endoscopy and advised there's nothing further he can do is correct and admirable. 

Finally, I think I may hear a billy goat crossing the bridge. 

"Sweetie" and "honey" makes my skin crawl. 



"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



GeekMonster, Insolent Hag
on 1/7/15 4:33 am - CA
VSG on 12/19/13
On January 7, 2015 at 10:32 AM Pacific Time, iceprincess1 wrote:

Thank you sweety. I know I'm young and might not understand this whole thing yet but all my life I was brought up to believe that you can never have enough fruits and vegetables. I've ate plenty and stayed away from all junk foods. I just want some inside input on what foods I should stick to? And just a proper explanation as to what is wrong with eating fruits after surgery? I'm truthful when I say that eating protein does not agree with me. Before surgery, I've are lots of protein than I had anything else. I gained lots of weight from that alone. Never ate a fruit or veggie before surgery. I come from a big family that's very huge. I just started breaking into eating fruits after having roux en y 3 years ago. I exercise plenty but weight just doesn't seem to move. If revision won't help me, I just want to know what foods to eat and enjoy and what to stay away from. Please don't mention protein as I said earlier, me and protein don't agree and can't lose weight from it. The only protein I can eat is solid white tuna and chicken breast in oven which is very rarely that I eat. Please kind words only ppl. I'm very emotional and know I'm to blame for my actions. I'm just really sensitive an would like some insight. Thank you :-)

I'm confused.  You were "brought up" to believe that you can never have enough fruits and vegetables, but you never ate them before surgery?

You come from a family that's "very huge."  Were they eating fruits and vegetables and became huge?

You joined OH yesterday.

Your story is a bucket filled with holes.  Return to under the bridge from whence you came.

"Oderint Dum Metuant"    Discover the joys of the Five Day Meat Test!

Height:  5'-7"  HW: 449  SW: 392  GW: 179  CW: 220

on 1/7/15 8:35 pm - IN
Revision on 10/03/13

SRVG 1997 SW 301   Revision to RNY 10/3/13 SW 247 GW 130  Ht 5'8


Mary Gee
on 1/7/15 3:46 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

As you know, protein isn't just meat.  Eggs, seafood, cheese, beans are all good sources. And let's not forget the protein shakes.  You can make protein muffins and ice cream too. Have you check out Eggface's site?  You might find some helpful recipes there.

You say you're using MFP -- would you "cut and paste" a few days of your menus -- we might be able to offer some insight.


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








on 1/7/15 3:50 am

You don't have a mechanical failure of your surgery. The problem is your diet and I think your lack of understanding the concept of the surgery.  The idea is to cut all carbs to 30-40 grams per day. Carbs are in anything processed like chips, crackers and sugary foods like candy and ice cream.  Carbs are also in fruits and vegetables. Your body burns carbs for energy. The idea is if you cut the carbs out of your life,your body will have to look to its own resources for energy and that is when it starts to burn fat. You go into something called Ketosis. The human body will always burn a carb for energy before it burns a fat cell. So no carbs, your body becomes a fat burning machine. If you concentrate on a diet heavily loaded on fruits and vegetables,your body will burn the carbs in them for energy.  So this is why this lifestyle is protien heavy and carb light  

Protien is therefore needed so your body will not start to burn it's own muscle tissue.

Later on you can add some low carb fruits and vegetables. But I would concentrate on cutting that stuff for now to get your body back into ketosis. Look ketosis up. If you use the excuse you can't eat protien, I don't believe that. Protein is anything that walks on the earth, flys in the sky or swims in the ocean. Something that isn't processed.  Eggs and and cheeses also have protien as well. Or you could invest in a high protien low carb powder or shake. You aren't eating it for the enjoyment. You are eating it to feed and repair your body while you are losing 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 1/7/15 4:04 am

Now this was informative. Thank you soo much. I will look into this. I have better understanding now. I just wanna take the time to thank everyone who has participated in this and to guide me thru this. This is my first time here as was looking to gather some informative information and some support and all of you have done just that for me. I think now I know what to do. You guys are the best! Thanks for convincing me not to see revision as the problem is my lifestyle and how I've been eating. Very grateful. God bless you all for your time :-) 

on 1/7/15 4:08 am
RNY on 08/21/12
On January 6, 2015 at 8:51 PM Pacific Time, iceprincess1 wrote:





My name is Isabella and I am from Toronto, Ontario. I'm looking into a weight loss revision. I had roux en y laparoscopic weight loss surgery in 2011 at the request of my surgeon because he felt that would be the best operation for me at the time weighing in 300 pounds. After having roux en y, I knew going in that I wasn't comfortable with that procedure because I felt I wasn't going to lose as much which was proven true. I only managed to lose 60 pounds first year and then the weight loss stopped. It's been a few years later and I have gained back 30 pounds since and find myself no longer feeling full after a meal. I'm worried my weight will spiral back out of control which is why I'm seeking a revision. I've seen my original surgeon and let him know what has happened to me but said there was nothing else he could possibly do. I feel maybe I would have benefit more from the gastric sleeve. I'm looking into a revision that would help solve my hunger and put me back on track. Any informative information to what my next steps should be would be kindly appreciated from the Obesity help forum. Thank you all for your time.  

Bless your heart, sweetie. You've had enough fun for the day. Back under the bridge with you.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 1/7/15 8:40 pm - IN
Revision on 10/03/13

****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 oh a Troll hunting we will go......


SRVG 1997 SW 301   Revision to RNY 10/3/13 SW 247 GW 130  Ht 5'8


Kate -True Brit
on 1/7/15 4:55 am - UK

I have no idea whether you are a genuine poster or not. But quite simply if you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. End of story. So you are not eating correctly. And revision surgery isn't going to change that. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


Laura in Texas
on 1/7/15 5:42 am

Get out the measuring cups and food scale and log every bite. Without measuring, you are simply "guessing" how much you are eating.

I had RNY 6+ years ago. My highest weight was 340 and I maintain around 140. I worked damn hard to lose it and even harder to maintain. You have to work hard at it and stop making excuses. I love love love this quote:

"If what you're doing doesn't work, change what you're doing - don't complain that it doesn't work."

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

Most Active