on 12/31/14 4:51 am

I was told to shift my diet about 10 days ago and have been having a lot of problems.  It seems that no matter what I eat - ground turkey, ground beef, fish, eggs, everything is extremely painful to eat.  I still have the cottage cheese, yogurt, oatmeal and protien drinks during the day but trying to eat the soft foods for dinner is brutal. I am lucky if I get 2 oz. before I have to stop from the pain -- anybody experience this ?

on 12/31/14 5:12 am

There's nothing that says you MUST eat more than two ounces of soft foods;  sometimes it takes a little time to adjust to different textures and types of foods.  Just keep trying, and yes, stop eating if it hurts.

I found that tuna, shrimp and scallops were a good food for transitioning to soft foods.  Also, moistening with a bit of mayo or cooking liquids helped.

on 12/31/14 6:15 am

I actually tried to eat the chicken and the fish with hoummos and that helped a bit.  I do think moistening is a part of the issue (because I'm a lousy cook).

The nutritionist told me no shrimp or scallops yet - I specifically asked.


Kate -True Brit
on 12/31/14 5:16 am, edited 12/31/14 5:16 am - UK

It is very difficult to answer without knowing which surgery you have had. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 12/31/14 6:16 am

I had the RNY Gastric Bypass

on 1/1/15 7:44 am

If you'll put your surgery type and date on your profile, it will show up each time you post. See those numbers up in the right-hand corner of this post? That tells you I had a DS on 12/11/03. (*grin*)

on 12/31/14 5:37 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Mt first day on pureed and soft fish was yesterday . An egg with some cheese went down a treat at brekkie , then I poached some salmon and made sweet potato mash , I put a tablespoon on my plate with 40 grams of the salmon . I managed the salmon but after 3 small bites I experienced waves of pain in my chest / pouch . And felt stuffed !! There was no way i could touch the sweet potato . I could not get anything else in for the rest of the night .I may have ate too fast ( im working on this) or it just may not have agreed . Lesson learned , I will try it again in a couple of days or so but everything else has been fine so far . It does make me nervous about my soft food phase though ! 

Good luck x 

Jax x


on 12/31/14 9:13 am

I'm starting to think maybe I need to not progress quite as fast as they'd like and I think I also have to cut back on the amounts... I have those waves of pain constantly unless I'm eating oatmeal, yogurt, cottage cheese or having a protien drink.  I thinkn the ground turkey or chicken is too rough for now.  Eggs seem to work well and chopped spinach... I don't like the feeling of being stuffed - trying to learn how to stop sooner....

But at 30+ lbs down this month - it all seems to be working !

on 12/31/14 5:50 am
RNY on 07/21/14
I proceeded much slower with food than what was recommended. You are an individual and the recommendations are general. Listen to your body. You will come along. So what if you need protein shakes longer? The end result is what counts. Stop with pain. As long as you can hydrate and get some protein in you are fine. I am five months RYN post op and still can't tolerate many things but am making progress. You will too.


on 12/31/14 9:03 am

I think you have some very valid points.  I am losing weight and I feel good (other than when I'm sick from eating).  Yogurt, cottage cheese, oatmeal and protien shakes work for now.  altho I did try chopped spinach with an egg and cheese tonight ad so far so good....  Thank you
