Before and After pictures, and a little blurb
I struggle a lot, but I knew it would be this way when I chose to change my life. I knew what I would be giving up, and what the reward would be. Sometimes it's very hard for me because food is my best friend, has always been there for me, and has never failed to make me feel better. But let me tell you, looking in the mirror and seeing a smaller me is a better feeling than food has EVER given me. It's like I broke up with an "OK" boyfriend and started dating "the one". It's a better life, and a better me.
I wanted to let anyone know who just had surgery to keep looking up, the beginning is hard and seems there is no light at the end of the tunnel... but there is, I PROMISE. Keep your head up, stay strong, and let this be the best thing that has ever happened to you.
I love your boyfriend analogy. It's so true!! Feeling better and liking who I see in the mirror is so much more satisfying than downing a tube of cookie dough and then being completely disgusted with myself.
I woke up in between a memory and a dream...
Tom Petty
I am so glad to hear a positive outcome. Lately, on this board, it has been a lot of negative comments from early post ops. I am hoping to have surgery the end of Jan/beginning of Feb. I know this surgery is right for me and I have heard the boyfriend analogy before. Someone said it is "breaking up with food". I am trying to adopt this mindset now, so that hopefully I won't be too glum in those 1st few weeks. I have told my husband, if I start saying that I regret having the surgery, to remind me that the bad time will only last a short time and that I can get through it.
Oh, and you look great. Congratulations.
I won't sugar coat it, the first two weeks sucked, and I had a LOT of mental breakdowns. I kept saying I would NEVER do it over again. But, once you're past that hump its like a whole new feeling. It's awesome. and I WOULD do it again :) Good luck to you, with your positive attitude you will do wonderful!!!