Don't get it???? Extremely frustrated now!

GeekMonster, Insolent Hag
on 12/16/14 4:46 am - CA
VSG on 12/19/13

Are you sure that you're accurately tracking all of your calories?  Do you use an app like MyFitness Pal?

It could be that your body is currently adjusting to the metabolic changes that occur after WLS.  Six weeks sounds like a long time for a stall, but I suppose that anything is possible.

How many carb grams are you eating each day?  Same question with regard to protein.  How much fluid are you drinking per day?

"Oderint Dum Metuant"    Discover the joys of the Five Day Meat Test!

Height:  5'-7"  HW: 449  SW: 392  GW: 179  CW: 220

Willie H.
on 12/16/14 6:03 am
VSG on 08/26/14

YES. I DO use an app. I use Fitness Pal. I am watching my carb intake trying to eat less than 40 grams per day. I take in 65-80 grams of protein and drink at least 75-90 oz of water or crystal light.

I mean even if I am off a little on my calorie count by 50-100 calories, at 280 lbs I would normally be losing weight on a 1800 daily calorie diet, especially with cardio and strength training exercise. 

I realize that some have long stalls but not until usually way past quite a few months-I'm under 4 months! Good thing I go to see my surgeon on Friday because right now it is frustrating and discouraging and I just get the feeling that "I knew it would not work for me. I'm always different"

I mean I have lost over 60 lbs and I am appreciative for that. I feel more healthy and confidence but I don't want to have WLS only to remain at or around 280 lbs for the rest of my life.

I had this surgery because I was NOT able to eat healthy because of lack of self-control and discipline. I mean let's be honest isn't that the situation we were ALL in? Otherwise we wouldn't have taken this extreme?

Now we cannot over eat even if we want to. Yes, we can put high fat calories in our body through fluid or just by choosing the most fat, high calorie-laden foods but what sense would that make?

I thought the tool worked because it limited your calories, no longer could we eat 3,000 or 4,000 calories in a day. That we owuld lose weight rapidly at first but then it would slow down gradually but we would continue to lose because no matter what we would be eating less calories, at least 1/3 of what we used to eat.

Now you're telling me that if I over eat at 1200 calories I will no lose weight? Will it eventually top off at 1000? Then 800 and I will have to adjust each time by eating less and less? And even with exercise? Sorry, but it's really frustrating and discouraging! 6 weeks is way too long and I have been following the guidelines as best as I could

Everyone keep telling me I have to take in less calories but 800 a day is just too little for me, I can only go so low before I am weak and light-headed. I mean I'm 280lbs! 900-1100 calories with exercise should still allow me to lose weight, even if very slowly. Anyway, I'll speak with my Dr Friday.

  Vertical Gastric Sleeve-(8/26/14)HW 347lbs SW-328lbs CW-247 lbs  GW-212lbs Randolph,                                                                                       "LOVE" is knowing someone has the power to hurt you, yet TRUST that they won't"  "Sing like no one's listening and dance like no one's watching!!"






(deactivated member)
on 12/16/14 6:20 am, edited 12/16/14 6:21 am

I can understand your frustration. I am a woman in my sixties who had the sleeve in Sept.  The weight loss has been slow.  I was thinking the same thing; I was on Nutrisystem and ate at least 1000 calories a day and lost at least 2 pounds a week even while exercising and gaining muscle.  I started off after the liquid phase after the sleeve surgery eating 800 calories a day, and am now down to 650 a day.  I simply cannot understand even with my slower metabolism why the weight loss is so slow.  I am practically starving myself at 650 calories but am not hungry.  I don't over do the carbs and drink plenty of water and try to exercise every day. 

Willie H.
on 12/16/14 6:30 am
VSG on 08/26/14

Wow, don't know if I can ever go that low. But i'll do whatever the Dr suggests.

  Vertical Gastric Sleeve-(8/26/14)HW 347lbs SW-328lbs CW-247 lbs  GW-212lbs Randolph,                                                                                       "LOVE" is knowing someone has the power to hurt you, yet TRUST that they won't"  "Sing like no one's listening and dance like no one's watching!!"






GeekMonster, Insolent Hag
on 12/16/14 8:27 am - CA
VSG on 12/19/13

Here's the bad news.  If you've had the sleeve, you can eat 3,000 calories a day if you eat the wrong food (easily accomplished by drinking chocolate milkshakes, eating crackers or other slider foods).  There is no malabsorption component to the sleeve, so you can eat around it if you try.  I'm not saying that you are, but that's the fact.

I think the suggestion to take your measurements is a great idea.  I know that when the number on the scale halts for me, I notice the biggest change in the fit of my clothes.  

We are in the for the long haul.  I know it's frustrating, but keep on program and the weight will come off.  It cannot fight you forever.

"Oderint Dum Metuant"    Discover the joys of the Five Day Meat Test!

Height:  5'-7"  HW: 449  SW: 392  GW: 179  CW: 220

Willie H.
on 12/17/14 1:53 am
VSG on 08/26/14

Thanks, that is a good idea. I'll also have to revisit what I eat each day to make sure I'm not understating the calories. I've known a few who've had the bypass surgery who have gained weight back after a few years-by eating ice cream, cake and other high fat slider foods that gave them a tremendous amount of calories.

No, I'm not doing that-at least not purposely but your warning is well taken and heeded. I try to count anything that goes in my mouth using the adage "if you take a bite, make a write, if only a taste then write in haste!" I've had bad days where I've been up to maybe 1300 calories at the most because of bad high-calorie food, but for the most part I've been pretty honest with myself. Yet, do I see that I have to bring the calories down. Thanks.

  Vertical Gastric Sleeve-(8/26/14)HW 347lbs SW-328lbs CW-247 lbs  GW-212lbs Randolph,                                                                                       "LOVE" is knowing someone has the power to hurt you, yet TRUST that they won't"  "Sing like no one's listening and dance like no one's watching!!"






Jackie G.
on 12/17/14 12:22 am

Hey there,

I too was at a stall, even though I am several years post surgery, and I met with my nutritionist on Monday and she said that I was waiting too long to eat during the day, that I should have my first meal within an hour of waking up and she suggested 5 "meals" a day, each one consisting of 10-15 grams of protein and no more than 15 grams of carbs....well, I gave it a shot yesterday and low and behold, the scale moved 1.5 pounds down this morning.  She said our metabolism is like a fire that has to be kept burning all day.  Anyway, just thought I would share that with you.

Hang in there!!!!!!


Willie H.
on 12/17/14 1:43 am
VSG on 08/26/14

Thank you. I'm gettinga lot of knowledge here!

  Vertical Gastric Sleeve-(8/26/14)HW 347lbs SW-328lbs CW-247 lbs  GW-212lbs Randolph,                                                                                       "LOVE" is knowing someone has the power to hurt you, yet TRUST that they won't"  "Sing like no one's listening and dance like no one's watching!!"






Willie H.
on 12/17/14 2:08 am
VSG on 08/26/14

Hmmm. I probably should eat something before my 5am work-out. Sometimes I do but also sometimes I wait until about 9:30 after I get to work. I can see that I definitely have to find a way to up my matabilism especially since my job is sedentary for the most part. I'll try to keep that in mind.

  Vertical Gastric Sleeve-(8/26/14)HW 347lbs SW-328lbs CW-247 lbs  GW-212lbs Randolph,                                                                                       "LOVE" is knowing someone has the power to hurt you, yet TRUST that they won't"  "Sing like no one's listening and dance like no one's watching!!"






on 12/16/14 5:49 am, edited 12/16/14 5:50 am
VSG on 01/11/16

Have you taken your measurements?  maybe you are losing inches instead of pounds. When did you have your surgery? I've seen posters who are 9 months+ out not up to 1200 calories a day yet. That sounds more like a maintenance number.. maybe try getting between 600 and 800 calories a day?

Hopefully your Dr. will have the answers you need .. good luck

*edited to add - Oh I see the surgery date now, sorry
