Why did you have WLS? A new question added... See top of first post.

on 12/10/14 8:36 am, edited 12/13/14 2:35 am
RNY on 12/30/14

New question...

I weighed in this morning and I am at 295. I've lost 29lbs before surgery. I am still wondering if I really need to go through with the surgery. Did anyone lose a lot of weight before surgery and still go through with it? If so, why?

I'm just curious. I would do a poll, but I don't know how to do it on this forum.

These would be the questions.

Did you have WLS for vanity reasons?

Did you have WLS for medical reasons? IE... Current health issues like heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, etc...

Did you have WLS to prevent medical issues stated above?


I will tell you that my health record looks like I'm a poster child for WLS. I have seen the quizzes in the Dr's offices that ask if WLS would be right for me. Every time I would take them, I would have to answer yes to all but the questions that pertain to ladies only. I have a-fib, three stents in my heart, I have diabetes, high cholesterol,  my triglycerides are so high they can't measure my good cholesterol, I have a fatty liver, and I have sleep apnea. I think that's it, my short term memory is no good too. Oh yeah, bad knees and hips too.  Also arthritis and I'm only 47. What a wreck I am.


Thanks for playing!



on 12/10/14 8:51 am
RNY on 12/30/14

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm scheduled for surgery on 12-30-14.



on 12/17/14 10:42 am - Taylor, WI

I also had my WLS on Dec. 30th, but back in 2008. You and I will have the same surgiversary!  I also lost about 15 pound before surgery, but I lost another 65 after surgery. I knew that I had to have the surgery. Past weight lost was always regained plus more.  I had the surgery for my bad knees and to get healthier. I went from 255 to 175, now I am about 166.


weightloss.jpg weightloss image by pegleg63Beth    
on 12/10/14 9:00 am, edited 12/10/14 9:00 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

I had it to put my diabetes into remission which it did the night after my morning surgery. I totally love the weight loss that put the diabetes into remission and I would have had the surgery only for vanity reasons if I didn't have any health issues.




on 12/10/14 9:11 am
RNY on 12/30/14

That's awesome that your diabetes went right into remission. Did they take you off meds right away? I take 12 meds every morning and 11 every night. Plus the meds I take as needed for pain.  I hate the way they make me feel.



on 12/10/14 11:19 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

yes,I went off Metformin  right away. That. Is all I took for it. My cholesterol and hdl,LDL,andtriglycerides   have all normalized with no medication. I think you are going to be wonderfully surprised when you Lose weight




on 12/10/14 9:15 am - Vancouver, WA

I got it for health reasons but I got the worst surgery for any weight loss, the lap band Please do not even think about it and if you are PM me so I can share about it. I hope with your BMI you are looking at the DS, duodenal switch because it is the very best one for diabetics and the best for long term weight loss. Good luck just make sure you research and know exactly what the best surgery is for you because they all work in different ways depending on what is happening in your specific body.

on 12/10/14 9:34 am, edited 12/10/14 9:34 am
RNY on 12/30/14

I have researched the DS as well as the others. I Also discussed all of the different surgeries with my Dr.  He does not even consider doing a DS for people below 50 BMI. At my highest weight my BMI was just over 47. My current BMI is right at 44. I just broke past the 300 mark and weighed in at 299 for the first time in a couple years. My diabetes is controlled very well with metformin. My A1C was 6.2 on my last blood test. He believes that I will not have to have any meds for diabetes after surgery. We decided that the best procedure for me it's the RNY, duo that is what I am scheduled for. Thanks for your advice! 



on 12/17/14 2:14 am

Then ASK a surgeon who DOES the DS on lightweights. I was 35.2 and had the DS. My husband who is four years out yesterday had the DS and his pre-op BMI was 38.

If you qualify for WLS AT ALL you qualify for the DS.

Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135


Valerie G.
on 12/17/14 11:09 pm - Northwest Mountains, GA

My BMI was only 44 when I had the DS, and I know some who's BMI was as low as 36.  The requirements to get DS are the same as any other wls.  I would suspect that your surgeon doesn't do DS, so he's steering you to a procedure that he knows better. If you're sold on that one surgeon, then getting a surgery he's confident doing is better, but if you really want the DS, you may need to find a surgeon who has a good track record with it.

For those with BMI over 50 - the DS is the 'most recommended' because it gives them the best chances to get down to a normal weight than any other wls.  It is NOT reserved just for the higher BMI's.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
