12 days Post Op RNY

on 11/28/14 12:13 am

I will have to say as the days progress it is harder and harder to be just on liquids.  I am a single parent of two beautiful girls and it is very hard not to be able to sit down and eat with them.  I made it through Thanksgiving fine.  I cooked for them and had my liquid protein shake.  As I awoke this morning though I am thinking well another day of just drinking protein.  Would have loved to been able to cook a big breakfast for my girls and sat down with them to eat.  I know they say the first month is the hardest so I am trying my best to be positive.  These two weeks have been very stressful to say the least.  I am exhausted moody and my body is going through so many changes I don't know what will happen next.  I lay down at night and my stomach makes so many weird noises I feel like I have an alien trapped in there trying to get out.  Not to mention the dreaded hiccups every five seconds.  I really hope a year from now I am saying man this was a piece of cake and I feel like it was totally worth it all.  But at the moment I feel like what in the world have I done and why in the world did I get myself to a point where surgery was even an option for me.  I lost over  100 lbs on my own years ago and kept it off.  Then over the past two years gained it all back. Hopefully the next weeks will become easier and I will get adjusted to the new lifestyle. 

Member Services
on 11/29/14 12:33 am - Irvine, CA

Congratulations on your surgery and the beginning of a healthier life. It will get better. Before you know it you will be posting about all the weight you lost and how great you feel. Also just think of the example you are setting for your girls!

If you have not done so be sure and post on the RNY Forum. Keep us posted on how you are doing. 


Member Services

on 11/29/14 9:33 am

Thanks so much!!  I am very thankful for this site.  It seems to be the only thing keeping me thinking it will get better.  I am so glad that you have this site for people like myself her are new to the RNY and really need help and advice and encouragement

on 11/29/14 1:34 am - Sunny Southern, CA

Aww I remember crying at least once a day for the first 2 weeks and feeling guilty/ridiculous sharing my buyer's remorse with anyone because I had wanted this soooo bad and now I had it... no one to blame but me. It gets better! Most of us if you asked us a few months in would do it all over (even the worst days) again in a nano-second. It doesn't seem like there will be a light at the end of the tunnel but there will be. 

It will be less than a year before you are saying "piece of cake... it was all worth it" 

Everyone is different but it took me about 7 weeks to not feel like a patient and start to feel "normal." Try not to put too much pressure on yourself... just aim for better than the day before with water and protein. Breathe some fresh air and walk a bit. It helps with the trapped gas and feeling less blah/blue.

Best to you and your girls... who will now have an awesome healthy role model!!

~Michelle "Shelly"


Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

on 11/29/14 9:29 am

Thanks so much for your kindness!  Today was my first break down and cry for an hour stage. I keep thinking what in the world have I done.  I feel miserable.  I walked through Walmart with my daughter today and felt so weak that I couldn't even get my shopping done.  Right now if I have an hour of energy I am lucky.  I don't think it would have been as bad if it wasn't for the holidays here too.  All my family lives in a different state and I live by myself with my two girls.  So I went through the surgery and all with no family here.  But I have great friends that stepped in and helped.  So I am still blessed.  I am like you for sure in the way that I feel like I cant vent to anyone about thinking what have I done to have this surgery.  Because I feel like I have talked the surgery up to all my family and friends even when they tried to talk me out of it.  Maybe in a way I was trying to keep myself motivated before surgery by doing that so I wouldn't chicken out.  After working so hard to lose over 100 lbs myself and gaining it back I felt like this was my only option having the RNY.  I just pray that these next weeks will go by fast and that I will have more energy and feel better.  Thanks for posting on my posts.  I feel like this site is the only way I can vent and talk to others that have faced the same thing.  When you talk to  someone who hasn't had it makes it tough to hear them say it will be ok when you don't feel good

on 11/30/14 3:54 am

I too felt that way. today is the first day I could really eat something and it felt great I feel better already .  

on 11/29/14 2:13 am

I feel just like you. I am now 11 days post op RNY and beyond depressed about how I feel. I made it through Thanksgiving and cooked almost all of the food for out of town family. I just flat out feel crappy. I hate protein shakes and force myself to drink them. I'm sick of that taste in my mouth, whatever it is, and I'm so bummed that I have only lost one pound since coming home from the hospital. How can that even be possible?  I have no energy and my emotions are a hot mess. I can tell some of my clothes are looser but this is a million times harder than I thought. So for what it's worth, you aren't alone in your challenge. Let's just keep plugging along and be thankful for the tool that doesn't let us revert to our old habits. 

RNY 11/18/14 5'4" HW: 255 SW: 236 CW: 190.8 GW: 125...although 140 may be more realistic...can't comprehend what's possible!

Pre-op -11.6 lbs, M1 -13.6 lbs, M2 -10 lbs, M3 -6.8 lbs, M4 -7.6 lbs, M5 -3.8, M6 -3.0, and counting!

on 11/29/14 9:47 am

Thanks for posting this is day 13 RNY and I am right there with you.  I have apologize to my girls over and over for being grouchy at times.  When you are weak and don't feel good it is easy to get grouchy and not say the nicest of things.  You are right this is way harder then I ever would have anticipated.  Doing the two week preop liquid diet makes it worse I think because you feel like you are on nothing but liquids.  And my girls eat like teenage boys so it get really tough because I feel like when we eat together and I cook them something special we are bonding.  I really was happy that I could serve them and talk to them instead of stuffing my face like I normally would have done but at the same time it really didn't seem natural drinking a protein shake vs eating turkey lol  I guess up until this point  didn't realize how much food controlled my life so not only am I dealing with the pain and being weak but dealing with something that has been a big part of my life on a day to day basis.  You are right about the protein shakes as well.  I literally gag now every time I drink one.  They just don't taste good and to be honest with you I don't like the taste of vitamins either.  But I make myself do it because I know my body needs it and hopefully I will adjust soon. Oh I almost forgot I weighed myself and only 7 lb loss in 2 1/2 weeks I was really disappointed.  I thought people usually lose 25 to 30 lbs the first month. 

on 11/29/14 3:55 am

hi I to am about 18 days out and sort of having the same issues . I had a hard time putting anything in my mouth water protein what ever. but as of right now things r looking up ! I can eat some real food lol ,I had mashed potatoes and green bean casserole for thanksgiving , only a little but it was food . I know how u feel about the changes your body is going though my stomach makes so much noise that sometimes it keeps me up at night. I knew this was going to be hard but didn't think it would be this hard . but i'm sure in a year I will look back on this and say I did the right thing. I have already lost 36 pounds and that was fast so in a year from now I can't imagine what the loss will be . so I say hang in there it will get better!!!


on 11/29/14 9:53 am

Thanks for posting.  I am glad to see others going through the same boat.  Wow 36 lbs already.  I am so proud of you. That is so awesome.  I hope we are all like that in a year.  We will have to keep each other going to get through the challenges that we will face for sure.  Thanks for your encouragement and kindness.
