The metaphysical approach

Mary Gee
on 11/24/14 6:25 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Did Grim have his operation?  Look at his signature line.

Helps to have a signature line with weight history and surgery info - sometimes it's useful when responding to a question.


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








Ashley in Belgium
on 11/24/14 2:02 am - Belgium
RNY on 08/08/13

Grim I just wet myself - you really need to give us some warning sign or something!

Revision Band to RNY 8/8/13 5'4" HW 252 Lbs / SW 236 Lb / GW 135 lb / CW 127

on 12/2/14 4:29 am

AMEN!!! I was having a bad day...until I read this! Thanks Grim! 😉

Brad Special

on 11/23/14 9:13 pm
VSG on 12/06/12

Ok this is really hard to figure out what the heck you are trying to say. You mentioned schizo-effective. Are you hearing voices and writing down what they are telling you? If you are then talk to a professional about reducing your stress levels which are adding to the voices.

Amy R.
on 11/24/14 1:50 am

Am I the only one who is totally lost here?  Can someone re-state or summarize or something?  

on 11/24/14 2:07 am - Canada

I would like to reinstate confidentiality within restrictions of each forum discussion.  I would like to reinstate that no one is to be discounted upon, judged, presumed religious when perhaps not, singled out or treated any differently from any other individual here.  Perhaps I don't loose touch with reality enough, I wouldn't call my thinking delusional.  My health care workers are professionals with high quality care.  If this person would like to ignore me and my posts, that's fine.  I don't appreciate being assumed upon ganged up on as you're talking about others ignoring me from your judgements, picked on, and singled out.  I don't speak for you, do I.

Work for a cause, not for applause.  Live life to express, not too impress.Don't strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt.-Unknown


on 11/24/14 2:09 am - Canada

That was a response to master Samari bushomiter

Work for a cause, not for applause.  Live life to express, not too impress.Don't strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt.-Unknown


Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 11/24/14 4:10 am
RNY on 08/05/19

This is a public forum, with no expectations of confidentiality. What you write is wide-open for all to see-- NOT private. That's the nature of the Internet.

Judgement does happen. If someone writes that they're eating KFC a week post-op, then yes, I will single them out for not following orders and treat them differently from someone who shows themselves to be compliant with surgeon's directions. Same for someone who makes me concerned for their mental health; if a poster mentioned that they want to hurt him/herself, or described behavior that set off warning bells for an eating disorder, then yes, I would also refer them to a professional.

You are allowed to post, and others are allowed to post in response, whether you agree with their thoughts or no. If you're looking for confidential discussions, you may wish to try journaling or other offline support.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

Brad Special

on 11/24/14 5:05 am
VSG on 12/06/12

First of all there is no confidentiality in this forum. You were never treated differently then I would any other person I was concerned for. Your writings here are scrambled and hard to follow. I am not sure about others ignoring you. I really am confused what the heck you are talking about here. Is English your first language?

on 11/25/14 7:49 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On November 24, 2014 at 10:07 AM Pacific Time, bubbles23223 wrote:

I would like to reinstate confidentiality within restrictions of each forum discussion.  I would like to reinstate that no one is to be discounted upon, judged, presumed religious when perhaps not, singled out or treated any differently from any other individual here.  Perhaps I don't loose touch with reality enough, I wouldn't call my thinking delusional.  My health care workers are professionals with high quality care.  If this person would like to ignore me and my posts, that's fine.  I don't appreciate being assumed upon ganged up on as you're talking about others ignoring me from your judgements, picked on, and singled out.  I don't speak for you, do I.

unfortunately,there is NO confidentiality on a public online forum. You need to be aware that everything you post is open and available to the entire universe. 

You are the one who has said a lot of the things that ppl have commented on,like your mental state,and your. New found relationship with God. We didn't put those words in your post,you did. 

In all honesty,your posts are worded very oddly and are usually hard to decipher what it is you are trying to say. Are you 

,by chance,using some sort of translating app?



