Looking into a revision

on 11/25/14 4:42 am

Well today is the day I have decided to look into a revision.  I had roux-en-y in January of 2010.  And got pregnant in February.  I don't feel as if my surgery results ever met their full potential due to the pregnancy.  Now, almost 5 years later, I have gained back 60 lbs and cannot get the weight off...nothing is working!!  So I made a call today and have to attend a seminar on December 4th.  So idk...my head is trying to wrap around getting this fat again.  I HATE it!  

So my question is in regards to revisions.  Are the surgical requirements the same for a revision as they were for the original surgery?  And do they usually do revisions or are conversions the way to go?       

on 11/25/14 5:35 am, edited 11/25/14 9:39 am - Raleigh, NC

I had my revision from RNY (2009) to VSG on 10/13/14. I did have some complications indirectly related to the surgery, however, this has nothing to do with your questions.

I decided on revision surgery after meeting with my Bariatric surgeon. The reason I went to see him was because I was having severe, chronic, bleeding Anastomic ulcers, and medical interventions were failing. I had the last one for a year. 

Because I had a recent EGD and blood work, my surgeon did not require me to do anything other that a meeting with the RD. This may be attributed to the fact that my revision was not related to weight gain, but to a potentially life threatening medical condition. 

Each Bariatric surgeon will have their own requirements, and the best way to find out what these are would be to meet with the surgeon. You may also want to work with your PCP on a medically managed weight loss plan to preempt this requirement should it be needed. I also would find out what your insurance company requires for revision all surgery. I have a great plan with BCBS NC through my employer, and they declined my revision the first try. My surgeon intervened with a peer to peer conference, and I was approved after that.I with I could give you more information.

Good Luck


RNY 10/19/09 - Revision to VSG 10/13/14 - Dr Paul Enochs 



Zee Starrlite
on 11/25/14 6:01 am

Wow, you got pregnant 1 month after RNY!!!  You and baby ended up okay?  You ended up losing weight though - right?  Because you say you have gained 60lbs back.  How much did you lose? How much do you want to lose?  Is your BMI 36 now? Is your pouch or stoma stretched?

Hmmm, if suitable for you the only true lasting revision from RNY would by the Duodenal Switch w. gastric sleeve.   You'd have to be COMPLETELY dedicated and committed.  No half stepping it, no oops I forgot my supplements or to eat right.  Don't know where you are going for a seminar but only a few doctors are schooled in the expertise of RNY to whatever revision.  If you hear any of the endoscopic tightening techniques being thrown out there like ROSE, Stophymax, Apollo, etc. tell them it sounds good but it ain't true!  Those procedure work for no one even in the short term studies have failed.  People report losing while on liquids then the weight pops back on hard and fast like a sack of potatoes.  The Lap Band idea will be shoved on you too - um for the most part that is not so successful.  We have one woman with band over RNY who has done well. There was one who did fabulous until she needed her band removed in an emergency situation.  She ended up with duodenal switch - but this is after coming near death from the Band.

RNY to DS is a very complicated surgery and there are only a couple of surgeons doing it truly and well.  My doc is one - Mitchell Roslin,M.D. in NYC.  Surgeons seem to be doing more SADI's.  It is a simpler form kinda DS (I think single loop).  I know nothing about it to speak of but it seems to have gained a following.  If you search it on here you will find information.  Don't consider a distal bypass!  


Good luck to you,



3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 11/25/14 6:08 am

Yes daughter and I were completely fine,  thank God!   She was a little small bit perfectly healthy!   Talk about an oops!!   Lol

II'm not sure if my pouch is stretched but it has to be.   Guaranteed.   My original surgeon doesn't do revisions so he referred me to a surgeon in Pittsburgh out of West Penn Hospital. 


Zee Starrlite
on 11/25/14 12:18 pm, edited 11/25/14 12:19 pm

Glad you and daughter are fine.  I've heard of a couple of ladies going into the surgery pregnant (tested neg. Just before surgery) years back and somehow they made it through too.

Anyway I hope it all works out well for you.  I am thinking that if your surgery is intact and you BMI is 36 maybe you could lose it by dropping the carbs. 😋

Some support :  The more rigid 12 step OA Greysheet (they follow a food plan - low carb/ 3 weighed and measured meals per day), FAA - Food addicts anonymous (no sugar nor white flour).  Or try the 5 day pouch test and continue with day 6 and beyond by Kaye Bailey.  Oh regular OA is not as ridgid and great for support.  I think you have TOPS (take offf the pounds sensibly) in your area.

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 11/25/14 11:57 pm

If i could lose the weight by simply cutting carbs,  I wouldn't be looking into a revision.   
