Life 12 years after lap band.

on 11/21/14 12:13 am

Since surgery 12 years ago, I have lost over 150 pounds.   I have done very well with no problems until Dec 2013, The fluid had to be removed so I could have a bad gall bladder removed. After recovery, I went to have an adjustment, I was getting hungry more often , therefore gaining some weight. After 2 attempts the adjustments were not working..  They said the band looked good with no problems. I m having shoulder pain and abdominl pain after I eat. 

Nic M
on 11/21/14 1:54 am

If you're having shoulder and abdominal pain after eating, there's a problem. It may be that the problem is not showing up on the tests being done. I also had severe left shoulder pain due to Vagus nerve damage that the band caused. I had my band in 2003, removed in 2005, still have intermittent left shoulder pain due to the damage. 

You'll want to address this because the nerve damage gets worse and can become permanent, unfortunately. You might not have nerve damage... it could be gastritis, hiatal hernia, or something else entirely. But you'll definitely want to address it before it becomes chronic.


I'm sorry you're experiencing it. Good luck to you. 


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


Cathy W.
on 11/21/14 4:17 am

I encourage you to call your doctor.  What you're describing with your shoulder and abdominal pain after you eat isn't normal. 

Please let us know whatever you find out.

on 11/21/14 4:51 am - Vancouver, WA

I agree this is not normal so you need to keep pushing until they find the cause.

Kate -True Brit
on 11/23/14 12:46 am - UK

As the others say. Shoulder pain can be a sign of problems wirh the vagus nerve and the band should not cause abdominal pain. You need to get this checked out. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,

