Revision : Apollo :Anyone

on 11/5/14 2:23 pm - Oak Park, IL


I hope all *****ad this are doing well and enjoying life !

I am 9 1/2 years post op gastric bypass  Woo hoo for me . Well i had an issue with some steak getting stuck in my pouch 

and i burp and it came flying out along with ripping my sutcher's ugh that was 2011 well had to have a blood transfusion 

Ever since that time I have gained weight about 30 lbs due to stomach stretched . 

Surgeon sent me in for an upper GI and it turns out he would recommend a revision Apollo style 

Anyone who has had a revision 

Input of support would be great 

Fingers crossed that insurance will except the request 

My high blood pressure is back    Not felling good about that 

Love to All

Pleas know I so Appreciate you all 

Amy R.
on 11/5/14 4:10 pm

So are you saying that three years  ago, when you were six and one half years postop, you had some steak stuck and when you coughed it up your six year old sutures tore?  At almost six years out myself, I can't imagine vomiting/coughing violently enough to open my long-ago-healed suture line. I'm not sure I'm understanding you correctly.  Did the steak episode stretch your stomach, or your stoma?

Also, would you mind explaining what an Apollo style revision is?

Sorry for all of the questions, but without understanding it's hard to know how to be supportive.  And I do want to be supportive.  It sounds like  you've had a rough ride.


on 11/5/14 5:08 pm - OH

I am confused, too.  You wouldn't even have sutures six years after surgery - they would have healed long, long, long ago!

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 11/6/14 1:53 am - Oak Park, IL

Hi Amy 

Yes sweets I had a peace of steak and did not chew it well and it got stuck , Never had any issues before besides basic dumping from tomuch sugar or mixing something fatty with some sweet ,  

So after the meat flying out of my mouth I no longer had that feeling of fullness , the pouch did stretch wit that meat issue as time went on I did over eat due to not having that feeling of full , I use to have it after 5 bites of something then after the tear Nothing just like normal .  That feeling of full was my shut off valve when it was there and I so appreciated it ! I use to make fun saying well the tank is full Cause I would feel that beautiful feeling of Honey you have eatin your share LOL 

The Apollo Overstich is  endoscopic procedure to reduce the volume of an enlarged pouch and the diameter of the outlet. Through an endoscope passed through the patient’s mouth, the physician can safely place the same type of sutures used during traditional abdominal surgery

Further reference for the Apllo overstitch can be seen on youtube


I appreciate you and your questions  

Amy R.
on 11/6/14 2:20 am, edited 11/6/14 2:21 am

So, the pouch was stressed during the process of getting rid of stuck meat or eating too much meat. I understand that.  In theory you would have to overeat to the point of discomfort many, many times in order to stretch anything, so this whole meat thing must have been very traumatic to your system. That just sounds really painful.  I can't imagine what it would be like to have your stomach/sutures ripped open,  especially so far out.  And then losing your ability to sense when  you are full.  

Thanks for the clarification and also for the definition of the Apollo Overstich.  I have heard of the ROSE procedure and also fundoplication but had not heard of this particular option.  I hope it works for you.

edited for poor grammar



White Dove
on 11/5/14 7:10 pm - Warren, OH

I know a lady who tore her sutures from eating too much at one time, but she was a few weeks out.  I guess one could eat a lot of steak and stretch and break the pouch open even years out.

From what I have researched on revisions people lose about 20 pounds afterward.  You might want to search Apollo on this site and also post to the revision board.

Good luck with finding help.



Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 11/6/14 1:58 am - Oak Park, IL

Thank you for your reply! 

It was not the amount of steak i had eatin It was pretty much that I did not chew it well and it got stuck in a suture as it was flying out and tore a bit of the suture out and then from then on I had no full feeling and began to over eat Because my tool was broken ugh 

I did post on revision board as well Thank you 

I appreciate you and your support 

Peaceful day to you 

on 11/6/14 10:17 am

Was that related to your blood transfusion?  I know you had an EGD that confirmed your pouch/stoma was stretched but was it confirmed to be because of the steak?

I've just heard of that happening to a lot of people without that happening.  In fact I have never heard of that happening but there is always a first time.

In any case it sounds like your pouch and/or your stoma is enlarged and you have no restriction.  I have not heard any real data, good or bad, regarding the Apollo procedure.  I have been on the revision board for years and I have yet to see anyone post about it being successful.  I have seen many ask about it or say they were scheduled and they were asked to keep us updated but as far as I know no one has.

I would definitely ask the surgeon what the stats are long term.  I wonder how many he has done and how long and what the outcome has been of those cases.  There are the things I would want to know before going under the knife again.

Not discouraging you.  I hope it is an effective revision.  I just haven't heard anything about it one way or the other.

Good luck to you and I hope it works out well for you.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 11/22/14 8:31 am - Oak Park, IL

I chewed the stake and felt a pain in my tummy after 1minute or so I burped and ran to the bathroom for i could feel the vomit comming up the steak came flying out just as i arrived at the toilet and  leaving behind pain that i had never felt before . As i looked in the toilet all i saw was steak and red water Hmmm i didnt have anything red and then i could see it was blood !! Well the pain got better so i didnt eat anything till the next morning . I made my morning bowl movement (sorry i just want to help you understand} and my stool was black like tar !!  I was out of town heading to the airport that same day so i waited till i got back to my home town before becoming soooo weak i went in to the ER and my blood was extremely low. I was admitted to hospital a EGD was done where it showed the stitches were all bloody and loose !  So from then on it seemed i never felt that satisfying full feeling that my gastric gave me !!   So it being this many years later I am now 33lbs up from that day !!     I will have the APOLLO procedure with in the next few months (waiting for a date] and I promise to let you know what the out come is ! I have no doubt in Me or the Apollo at being a success !   Thank you for your reply ! Im sorry for my late reply back!! I have bee sooo busy theses days !! Peaceful Blessed days to you Friend ! 


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