
Ashley Schuster
on 11/7/14 11:58 pm

Absolutely! You sound like my me when I'm not being a baby! :D Thank you!

on 11/7/14 10:24 am

Honestly, for the first month or so after surgery, hydrating and resting and learning how to schedule food, water, shakes, naps and a little exercise were like a part time job.

Yes, I went home the day of surgery, but my healing and learning to live as a WLS patient took several weeks to become secondhand.

I work from home, so after 10 days, I went back to work at my desk job, but I napped every day for about 30 minutes ...... Surgery (even laparoscopic surgery) is hard work on your body.

Do whatever it takes to hydrate, even if that means IV fluids to get back on track and then stay up with it.

You don't have to like it, but you do have to do it.


Ashley Schuster
on 11/7/14 11:57 pm

Alright. I'll start thinking of it that way! Thank you! :D

Ashley Schuster
on 11/7/14 11:57 pm
on 11/8/14 1:11 am

the more dehydrated you get the harder to insert the IV. Hurts like a ++++++++++++...been there done that..

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Ashley Schuster
on 11/8/14 4:40 am

Avoiding an IV as much as I can.

on 11/11/14 1:18 am

The first few weeks are tough out. I can sympathize with you. It can and hopefully does get better. I have problems due to some GI track issues that weren't resolved. I'm sort of resigned to IV's at times but it is better than a PICC line.  :)

Do the best you can and I hope the surgeon is working with you.

Changing to a new blog. Please investigate your surgeon. Ask specific questions on after care, practice philosophies, office staff, nutrition, supplements, etc.

on 11/11/14 2:48 am

Hang in there! I had my surgery a little over 3 years now. I did regret it at first due to swallowing & hydration problems. I made it through and lost the 103 pounds that I needed to lose. I have been able to keep it off doing the right things. You can do it!!!

      Tonni aka Sisterdred  