Complications - RNY - 8 years out

on 11/9/14 12:56 am

"Since then, nothing much has changed as far as my abdominal pain. One symptom has become more intense than before surgery. I've noticed that I only have a BM every several days and, when it happens, it's painful and explosive. Afterwards, I feel better for a few hours until I have a meal. Then the pain cycle begins again until the next BM."


Another thing you might look at is the possibility of a partial bowel obstruction. These symptoms really sound more like a partial bowel obstruction than agastro-gastric fistula. Oh, and you *could* have a fistula that's not between your pouch and your remnant stomach, but between your pouch and your small intestine. Technically, a fistula is any tunnel-like connection between any two or more organs and/or the outside of the body.


on 11/9/14 1:12 am

She asked about a Gastrogastric fistula.

 Gastrogastric fistula is a communication between the proximal gastric pouch and the distal gastric remnant, rarely described in the realm of bariatric procedures.

Though this was published in 2006, the definition hasn't changed.  She could have any number of things but she inquired about a complication that I had to deal with. 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

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on 11/10/14 12:03 am
On November 9, 2014 at 9:12 AM Pacific Time, Chilipepper wrote:

She asked about a Gastrogastric fistula.

 Gastrogastric fistula is a communication between the proximal gastric pouch and the distal gastric remnant, rarely described in the realm of bariatric procedures.

Though this was published in 2006, the definition hasn't changed.  She could have any number of things but she inquired about a complication that I had to deal with. 

Chili, I KNOW what she asked about, and I know what a gastro-gastric fistula is. But since she doesn't have a diagnosis, I thought it would be helpful to throw out a few OTHER possibilities. Just because she thinks it *might* be a gg fistula doesn't mean she should remain ignorant of other possibilities.


What's got your panties in such a wad lately???

on 11/9/14 2:38 am

your story sounds just like mine. I had a Cat Scan with contrast that did not show a Hernia now 4 months later with the same C Scan without barium solution showed Several small Hernias I have. I am looking at surgery soon for this.

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H.A.L.A B.
on 11/9/14 8:13 pm

Constipation with diarrhea may indicate IBS with SIBO.  Google SiBO

There may be a bowel obstraction (due to hernia or adhesion , or just because... ), or liver stones.... Hope you have a good doc to find out what is going on....

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 11/16/14 1:47 pm

I had two fistulas, in 2011 that had to be repaired like immediately! It is very important that you get this looked into as soon as you can. I have had a pain under my right rib, which has never really been fully diagnosed, since two years post-op and it has times when it is better and worse. I have had ulcers, I have a hiatal hernia, acid reflux and Chronic Pancreatitis.  An upper endoscopy showed my fistulas and a GI surgeon found them. I have had so many complications, my original surgery was in 1990 and I had a revision i***** due to severe ulceration and in 2011 due to the fistulas. The surgeon who did the last one, was not the same as the other two and he could not understand why my anatomy was the way it was and said it was botched up basically. I have maintained basically the same weight since the fistulas were repaired but the Chronic Pancreatitis dropped me down about 15 lbs and almost killed me after that surgery! It has been a very hard road! Take care and Good Luck!!!

on 11/16/14 1:49 pm

Also forgot to mention, I am also being treated for tachycardia. 

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