Change in taste
i have been reading and been told that after surgery your taste changes. I have not noticed this until today. I have been drinking the Unjury chicken soup and Premier Protein shakes and can tolerate them pretty well. Well today I left my shake at home and had to come up with an alternative. I bought a Muscle Milk vanilla shake from the supermarket to have in the place of my Premier a protein shake. Lunch arrived and I started drinking the shake. It actually made me nauseous. Before surgery I loved the sweet flavored shakes like the Chike Bannana Magic and Chocolate Bliss. I had a backup of my Chike shake and tried that. It also made me sick. It was disgusting. This is the first time that I have noticed a drastic change in taste post surgery. I can no longer tolerate the sweet stuff. This is good and bad as I have a tub of the Chike Bannana and the chocolate shake powder. I also found my stash of the GNC lean protein shakes and that was also too sweet. Has anyone else experienced is and with what foods?
I could drink chicken/beef broth before surgery. I tried broth in the hospital and it was horrible. So I tried boullion when I got home and yuck. I just excluded it from my diet there is plenty other stuff to drink. Some of the recipes on line have you use a scoop of protein powder, if you cook with it it might not be to sweet. I am no expert, but it is worth a try.
A Dr just presented some findings at Obesity Week this past week 1 on taste changes post WLS (it was a small study but interesting) I personally think it changes again as we get farther and farther out maybe hold on to it and try again in a month or so.
Do you have a support group? Maybe ask the leader if you can do a protein swap day at the next meeting.
You can cook with it too. Maybe make some muffins weight-loss-surgery-menus-day-in_30.html