1 month post op VGS. does it get better?

on 11/2/14 6:30 am

I am one month post op my gastric sleeve surgery and am just wondering if anyone noticed any point you can eat a little more?  I find I can only handle about 5 bites of anything and afterwards I am super uncomfortable. Does it get to a point where you can eat at least a decent amount of food? 

on 11/2/14 7:10 am

A decent amount of food?  The object is not to eat a lot of food and lose weight. You still have some swelling at a month out but sounds like your surgeon gave you a nice tight sleeve. It will stretch some over time but not a lot. Proteins first and your fluids. 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 11/2/14 7:15 am

Yes a decent amount. More than the few bites im getting in at a time. I couldn't even finish a piece of protein and move on to a vegetable ii wanted to right now. Im finding it very difficult.

on 11/2/14 7:32 am

How much are you talking aboutYou should be eating many small meals and this early out, yes bites. You don't need to worry about eating protein and a vegetable right now. When you say a piece of protein what kind of protein are you talking about?


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 11/2/14 7:37 am

A sleeve can hold 2-5 ozs. So measure what you are eating. Remember also proteins like beef and chicken are more dense and harder to digest this early. Go back to scrambled eggs or cheese omlets. I eat a lot of retried beans with a slice of sharp cheddar melted on it. 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 11/2/14 7:46 am

How far out are you? 

on 11/2/14 7:55 am

7 yrs


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 11/2/14 7:56 am

I have seen a little bit in those years and learned a few things 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 11/2/14 8:00 am

Why don't you go over to the VSG board. There a lot of people that can help you out over there 



"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 11/2/14 8:03 am

Vgs 7 years ago? 

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