On liquid diet before surgery. Cold sweat.
Never heard of that before - call your doctor on Monday if you're still concerned.
Maybe when you're drinking the shake it makes you think of how close you are to the actual surgery, and you're nervous so that makes you break out in the sweat. Or is that far-fetched?
The liquid diets pre-op and post-op are the toughest things we have to endure. I only had a two day pre-op liquid diet, but post-op it was three weeks. Ugh! It was hard - but so worthwhile.
I would not be too worried, but again, call your doctor Monday if it hasn't resolved.
Good luck on your surgery - we have plenty of room on the Losers' Bench!
Do you test your blood sugar? Sometimes the drastic change in meal planning can affect other metabolic functions. Maybe try to make sure you have something, however small, every few hours. Just a thought.
I was also going to suggest possible low blood sugar. Also could be electrolytes are off....try some G2 or Vitamin Water Zero.
If you don't feel better, call your surgeon's office they may be able to adjust the diet. Good luck, feel better.