People are rude
I also want to say that I get what those are trying to get across. I don't think you shouldn't be honest when replying to someone's post. Weight loss surgery is a serious thing just like any surgery. There's a way to go about replying to posts. It is difficult because it is not in person and people can perceive differently. People don't need to coddled but think it through because I know and others know that some are just nasty. It's great that there's a block option. My intensions of the post is just to give people something to think about and possibly gain something from it. :)
on 10/29/14 12:46 am
I believe the poster was being very concerned about you and spoke at length about her problems with a failed WLS. She really poured her personal story out for the world to see. Honest and to the point, yes. Rude, no. People are concerned that you have had 2 failed surgeries. Most of us here have food addictions, and many get counseling for this addiction. Have you tried counseling? It is torturous to see someone try and try again with WLS but not address the root cause. I wish you the best.
on 10/29/14 12:15 pm
What do you want? Do you feel the need for someone to pat you on the head and give you a cookie.. This is the most ridiculous thread I have seen on here in years. Put your big girl panties on and take the advice. You have been non compliant with the agreement you made with your surgeon putting your health and his reputation on the line. Many of us have been around and seen more than you can imagine. Ladytazz has had a world of issues but is one of the kindest woman on these boards. She offers heartfelt advice from her personal experience. Just because you really don't want the advise and want someone to condone your actions and then claim someone is mean because you are unable to face the truth, that is your problem. These are message boards not counciling sessions. We are here to offer basic truths from personal experiences...
"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker
"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White
I've been a member for some time now. What I'm going to say is by no means targeting any particular individual. I visit the site periodically..not as often from the beginning of being a member.
If I have a question or just need support..I will post. Of course, there are those who want you to see the big picture & what not. I recently posted on the revision forum. I was simply telling my story and venting. I received 1 comment and the 1st sentence said something along the lines of "stop loathing". I read a post just now on the revision forum and then looked at a comment that was harsh.
I've been known to be a hot mess and far from an angel. I was a big mouth but as I got to be near 30 ..I've come along way.
I just really wish that individuals can show compassion, be positive, and nonjudgmental. There's a way to be assertive and stating the facts without pointing the finger. Everyone here just like anywhere has a story..let's hear the story without ripping the pages out.
people are who they are, and talk how they talk. things are not always going to be presented in a way that the poster wants to hear. it doesn't mean the responder doesn't care or is being nasty. there's no way that i can know how you, a stranger, wants to hear something, so i can only give you my truth, in my way. some people are super sensitive and read the worst in replies, this is heightened when the person is going through something rough. this is a recurring theme on this board (and probably all over the internet). feel free to block people who's tone you find offensive. you can't police speech. thank goodness we have a 1st amendment. i bet message boards in north korea are a real snooze.
PS: let's be real, this is clearly your response to Ladytazz, who is awesome, has been through a whole lot of **** and shares candidly and honestly from a place of caring. you're fooling no one.
So I am a bit of a newbie but after reading the original post, I wouldn't have been offended. I interpreted the comment to be more like a coach trying to pump up his player who just fumbled the ball. Sort of saying, " hey don't dwell on the failure, dust yourself off and get back in the game." I know that sometimes I feel like the veterans on here discount newbies ideas and stuff but I also know that that is probably because they have already "been there and done that" and know I didn't work for them. I am grateful for those who have been at goal for years and probably don't need this board like we do but still come on and act as coaches, cheerleaders and occasionally, referees. I sincerely hope that you are able to deal with your HMO and get back on track. To have been through having your guts rearranged and then find yourself "back at square A" has got to be disheartening. I have a book called The Success Habits of Weight-Loss Surgery Patients. It is a treasure trove of insight but it also has a section titled, "Back on Track." I had to buy it used from Amazon but it is worth the search.
well said. people just dont have a filter anymore. If you cant be helpful just dont comment. we are all here for help and support. I think we all have enough negative people in our life and dont need them here. I mean I have no problem with people being honest but being rude and hurtful is just not ok.
on 10/29/14 1:30 am
well said. people just dont have a filter anymore. If you cant be helpful just dont comment. we are all here for help and support. I think we all have enough negative people in our life and dont need them here. I mean I have no problem with people being honest but being rude and hurtful is just not ok.
So someone who's eating Fritos 2 days post-op and could blow their staple line shouldn't be told that they're doing something dangerous? Sounds like the opposite of support to me.
Telling someone they're unwanted and need to leave isn't terribly supportive either.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
well said. people just dont have a filter anymore. If you cant be helpful just dont comment. we are all here for help and support. I think we all have enough negative people in our life and dont need them here. I mean I have no problem with people being honest but being rude and hurtful is just not ok.
Hurtful is very often in the eye of the reader not the words of the writer. How anyone couid read Ladytazz's honest description of how she personally was affected by her surgery as rude baffles me! I applaud her courage in saying how she messed up and I thank her for trying to warn others not to do as she did. A great and caring lady. And more honest than the person who started this thread as a direct result of LAdytazz's attempt to help.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
Amen sister! And to the milkshake poster below... its called TACT! There is a way to kindly let someone know they are making a poor decision, without attaching them. Likewise, we are all here to offer suggestions and advice, not fix others brokenness. That said, compassion generally goes much further than scolding. #mytwocents