Appointment with my Surgeon at TWH on Friday
Hello everyone!
It's my first time posting on this site... I'm really shy but I'm trying to break out of my shell, so here I go!
I am a 25 year old female, I'm 5"4, weighing in at 249 pounds. I was first referred to the program in July, got my letter in the mail 4 weeks later (August) for Orientation in October, I called and went to Orientation the very next day I forgot the day it was mid the end of orientation I got a slip with my next 3 appointments which were spaced so far apart Social worker appt was the ending of October the Nurse appt was in November and the nutrition class was in December...
I called everyday and managed to get the social worker and nurse appointments a day apart for the second week of September... My nutrition class was changed to the following week as well. At the end of my Nutrition class I got a slip with the remaining two appointments before my final appointment with my Surgeon, which was for Oct 7th (dietician) and oct 21st (psychiatrist) I managed to get that appointment moved to Oct 8th.
Last week Friday I received a call from TWH with my surgeon appointment date which is for Oct 31st... I'm excited but at the same time nervous... Why should I expect going into this appointment? What questions should I ask him?
please help