Vitamin deficits
Well, there are more than two kinds, but the most common are citrate and carbonate.
The B was probably B12.
Your labs will show if you need any other vitamins. I think many DS folks also take A, E and K.
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
I'm happy to help any way I can.
Dry vitamins are described as a need specifically for A, D, E and K (A and D for most everyone, some need K, few need E). They are standardly dispensed as a gel cap, with oil. DSers malabsorb 80% on average of all fat we consume, making these oil caps pretty useless for us, so we seek out "dry versions" which is a powder inside of a capsule, much better absorbed.
We also take HUGE megadoses that scare many medical professionals because overdose can be toxic. The average dose of D, for instance is 400iu. The average DSer takes 50,000 iu per day, some triple that, just to keep their D levels in check. A prescription isn't necessary, but these are near impossible to locate OTC. I found I can get them through and The company is Biotech that makes them. I found I can get D from Walmart if I ask at the pharmacy, but they are unable to get me the A.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
He should be focusing on vitamins by now. I think if he's already not following his meal plan and not taking vitamins, he's setting himself up for problems. Why did he choose the DS if he can't remember to take vitamins? he knew he'd need to take a lot of time post op, right?
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
Thanks, everyone. I have decided I've done what I can do, and reminders, scolding, and comments of what to do/not do will not work. I have to step back and keep my mouth shut, much as I long to say something. I have to monitor to make sure he's not doing damage to himself, but he's determined to "do it his way." He saw me go through the recovery - I had the DS 16 months ago. Mine was quite uneventful, but I was honest about the frustrations of forcing myself to eat protein, scheduling vitamins, etc. He knew what was ahead. But I guess we never know until we go through it ourselves and experience how our own body will respond to the surgery procedure and living with the major change in our lives. That being said, I am not letting him set up to fail. That is not an option. I may contact the nurse - she has the medical credentials after his name. I don't and he doesn't. But the desire is strong to give a smack upside the head!