Starting Out
Well, I called to set up and appointment and go to my first WLS seminar for my surgery. Before anything though Alison, the awesome do-it-all lady at my office called my insurance and made sure everything was covered.
After my deductible, everything is 100% covered, and I've never been more excited about anything before.
So, what should I be aware of in the coming months of nutritionist, doctor, and psychologist visits?
Any advice for someone new to this?
Thanks all!
Congratulations on taking control of your health! Have a pad near by and when you think of a question to ask at the seminar write it down. Trust us, when you are there you will forget half of what you wanted to ask. Also here is a link to questions to ask your surgeon we have posted as a sticky.
List of Questions for a Bariatric Surgeon: .html
Keep us posted on how you are doing
WLS is not one-size-fits-all, so start learning about your procedure options. They each address obesity differently. You want to know about each of them, then compare to your own history of how your body reacts to your efforts. Once you find the best fit, find a surgeon who does that procedure.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes