So, after thinking it sounded kind of ridiculous,
Thanks ald731. I actually had the lap band back in 2005 and haven't had it filled/adjusted since 2009 so I'm on a regular diet these days lol. The number seems large. However, the more I use the app and log my food, the more I'm starting to see how things work, and now I'm thinking maybe I actually need MORE calories. I'm not eating enough to burn anything. I ate more Monday and less yesterday and noticed how much better I felt Monday than yesterday. I had so much more energy. I'm trying to eat more today, as I am starting to feel that dizzy head ache feeling coming on. I looked up my symptoms recently and seems like it may be hypoglycemia, which is why I decided to start using my fitness pal. I'm really trying to keep track if calories in right now, and I have been. Really low. I have an upcoming doc appt and will be checked for hypoglycemia. I've been contemplating revision surgery, but not mentally ready at this point.