Neurologic issues after 1 year out

on 10/23/14 10:58 am

Thanks much for the comments on SIBO. I will look into this. I see the GI in a month. From a quick glance, it has possibilities.

I found that you have to be careful on advocating. I have used every suggestion I can find from people like Trisha Torrey, an MD who works with burned out doctors, other MD's, regular patient advocates, family members, even my insurance went to bat for me once. After surgery, to get our hospital copay back, we had to meet with a counselor one time a month. It was the counselor who went back to the insurance, who called the bariatric surgeon asking for answers on an issue. I got chewed out for the insurance doing that, although every suggestion that my counselor gave me, I did. I wasn't going to lie to my counselor either. I was told by the surgeon I asked too many questions. I got told to turn off my computer and relax and enjoy the holidays by the surgeon - when I wasn't getting any better and my PCP told me go work with your surgeon.

I have found that it depends on the doctor as to whether or not talking to them does any good. Some don't listen and some don't seem to have the knowledge or background you would think. Some get confused. One of my favorites is the surgeon saying I ate a lot of headaches.

I hope the functional medicine doc works for you. Can you keep that a separate thread and let us know how it works?

I have an excellent neurologist, who sent me to a tertiary center for evaluation after all the other stuff was checked. 2 hour consult, and I've had blood tests, CT scan, MRI's. All negative, except the EMG's showing muscle weakness, deterioration. The only thing in my background is the constant stream of low vitamins, minerals, or things that lead back to nutrition problems.

I had normal levels of B12 and folate, but still had signs of a megaloblastic anemia, almost always due to B12/folate deficiencies. I've had B12 shots along the way, and folate taken. Both those levels finally went low normal, and I got a banana bag. About 6-8 weeks after the banana bag, the MCV went to the highest level its ever been, normal MCHC, retic count is up, etc. Go figure. First thing that should come to mind: intrinsic factor.

It took calcitriol AND two types of Vitamin D pills (OTC & prescription) for my D levels to really come up.

Changing to a new blog. Please investigate your surgeon. Ask specific questions on after care, practice philosophies, office staff, nutrition, supplements, etc.

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