How often to weigh your self???

on 10/13/14 11:20 am - AL
VSG on 03/13/14

If I were to weigh myself daily I'd get depressed and obsessive...for some daily weight checks works but I only weigh every Friday morning.  I keep my scales in the kitchen but hide them from my daily view by putting them up against the wall under the table.  If you have to weigh everyday and just can't stop do trendweight like Gwen mentioned above.  Best of luck


With God ALL things are possible! VSG 3/13/14 Dr. John Mathews


(deactivated member)
on 10/13/14 11:39 am

I had a gastric sleeve on Sept. 9th.  I didn't own a scale, but figured I would buy one.  I was an ostrich also pre surgery.  I avoided all scales.  Now I weigh myself once a week, usually in the morning.  Weighing myself every day would drive me crazy.  When I reach goal, I will probably weigh myself more often.

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 10/13/14 8:06 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

I weigh myself twice a week, mostly to check if I was still going down or stalling etc, I'd then look at my food & exercise journal to see if I was still on track or not with my eating, water, etc & then tweak my diet if necessary. I don't stress over it but it does kinda remind me if I ate food that had a lot of salt lately or if my protein or water levels weren't right etc & I'd still have time to adjust my eating b4 things would get out of hand.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

Kate -True Brit
on 10/13/14 8:55 pm - UK

Every time I see a set of scales. But in the losing stages I actually charted once a week. But only weigh a lot if you don't get upset by fluctuations/stalls.  If it affects you, hide the scales. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


White Dove
on 10/13/14 9:22 pm - Warren, OH

A few years after surgery, I was determined to stop daily weighing and hid the scale or three months.  I only weighed at the doctor's office once a month.  In June I was up three pounds, in July another three pounds, in August another three.  By September, I had gained back twelve pounds and went back to daily weighing.

There are times when my weight fluctuates, but I will no longer accept just not knowing how much I weigh.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 10/13/14 9:42 pm
VSG on 09/26/14

Everyday since surgery. My 2 week post-op check-in is tomorrow. I hope that'll quell my need to prove to my surgeon that I'm doing well. 

HW: 450
SW: 428 9/26/14
Reached 'normal' BMI (24.9) with a weight of 199.9: 2/5/2016


on 10/13/14 10:19 pm
RNY on 07/17/14

Once a week, on Thursday morning.  I don't have the scale out all the time; I take it out, weigh myself and put it back.






on 10/13/14 10:28 pm - Shelbyville, TN

I weigh every day, as well. I like the knowledge and fluctuations don't bother me. I don't think there is a "correct" amount of times to weigh...just a personal decision based on what works for YOU!!

Good luck in your journey!

Sleeved on 6/19/2014  Hw 277  Sw 254   Cw  142  Gw 135

M1 -20  M2 -10  M3 -11  M4 -11  M5 -11  M6 -8  M7 -8  M8 -8  M9 -1  M10 -8  M11 -4  M12 -2  M13-18-5

ONEderland 10/15/2014


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 10/13/14 10:38 pm - OH

Personally, I weigh once a week.  I have done that since somewhere around 6-8 months post-op.  Weighing every day was making me focus more than I wanted on the scale number instead of my eating habits and, although seeing the scale move the wrong direction can be a motivator to be more diligent about eating habits, I found that focusing on truly changing my eating habits would help avoid that scale creep in the first place.  The scale cannot keep the weight off, but I knew that a complete modification of my eating habits would.

What works for me, though, nifty not work for many other people.  If you want to weigh every day and can accept that your weight will fluctuate by 5 pounds just because of water weight variations (and not let the scale dictate your mood), though, go for it.  The key is to weigh often enough to keep yourself aware of your weight but not to allow the scale to become your focus.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 10/13/14 11:02 pm
VSG on 08/04/14

Once a day Monday - Friday. I do not have a scale at home. I use the one at work. I asked about purchasing a scale before surgery on this site and after reading the feedback and knowing my own heart and mind I knew keeping one in the house would be a no no. I would weigh myself SEVERAL times a day if it was at my disposal. 

I ignore the day to day fluctuations because I know that happens. I record my weight here every Monday. Only the Monday weight counts!

I was out of work for 4 weeks, so the only time I weighed in the very beginning was at my surgeon's office. By doing this I completely missed that 3 week stall that every newbie complains about. I have no idea if I had a stall b/c I couldn't/didn't weigh myself.

