Complications and Second Opinions??

on 10/15/14 1:27 am - Windham, ME

Has anyone had to seek a second opinion after their surgery for complications?? I'm 3 months out and have had 3 endoscopys (8/21, 9/11, 10/2) on 10/3, the symptoms of a stricture started to return already. I gave it a wee****il my 3-month post op visit on 10/13 and the surgeon doesn't think that my stricture could possibly be returning that soon. They are sending me in for a barium swallow on Monday and if that comes back normal they are going to recommend that my PCP start me on some anxiety meds. SERIOUSLY??? I can see if some of my endoscopys came back as normal with no stricture, but EVERY one of them was legit and not a case of "crying wolf".. so the fact that they are telling me "it's all in my head" and "emotional/anxiety" response is infuriating. Dependent on the test results Monday I'm thinking of maybe seeking a second opinion, but not sure how to go about it. Do I just talk to my PCP and get a referral to someone else?? Another surgeon?? Anyone else had to deal with this??

Oxford Comma Hag
on 10/15/14 1:51 am

Did each endoscopy reveal a stricture or the beginnings of one? If so, then certainly have a frank conversation with your surgeon as to why he or she thinks this is different. If your barium swallow comes back normal, then you can explore other options.

Many surgeons are reluctant to follow another's patient so early out. Do you need a referral for insurance purposes or can you self refer? My recommendation is to approach this with your current surgeon as calmly as possible and ask what his or her thinking is. Then if necessary you can get a second opinion.


I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

on 10/15/14 1:57 am - Windham, ME

Yes... all three endoscopys showed stricture and required dilation!! so I'm very confused as to why he doesn't feel this is the same thing despite all the same symptoms. I just saw them Monday and explained that I'm not eating, and am only getting in less than 16oz of water a day!!

Oxford Comma Hag
on 10/15/14 2:06 am

And what did they say to that? Did you see the doctor him or herself, or a nurse? Your water intake is very low and extremely concerning.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

on 10/15/14 3:08 am - Windham, ME

The original plan was to schedule an endoscopy this week, but the surgeon deemed it unneccesary and wanted the barium swallow instead. All I've been told about the fluid intake is if I feel it's neccessary to go to the ER than to do so.


on 10/15/14 3:04 am

I know this is sort of a Job's Comfort, but I knew someone who had to be dilated 14 TIMES. I'd have a very frank talk with my surgeon! However, some anti-anxiety meds might make it easier to deal with.

on 10/15/14 3:11 am - Windham, ME

I can't even imagine 14 times!!! I'm just not even sure how to discuss it with him. He's so dismissive and even both people that I brought as my ride after the endoscopy mentioned how he always seems to not even be listening/paying attention when I am talking to him. 

I wi**** was as easy as changing PCP!! 
