Gallbladder Surgery
Hi everyone, I had my RNY almost 7 years ago. My doctor told me that I have gallstones and have to have my gallbladder removed as soon as next week. My question is has anyone post-op has had this done and if so could you share some insight in your surgery. I'm worried that they will need to do an open surgery due to the RNY.
Thank you!
Thank you both for your responses. I've never really dealt with this before so I'm a little nervous about the surgery and afterwards. I started getting pain on my lower right rib area about 5 weeks ago. Just 2 days ago I had to go into the ER because I woke up in such terrible pain that I could barely walk. They did an ultrasound and saw that I was filled with gallstones and they referred me to a surgeon. I saw him today and he said that I have to have surgery and as soon as next week. So my surgery date is next Thursday.
My gallbladder decided to be a turd and die on me at 4 months post RNY. My gallbladder surgery was done laproscopically with no problems at all. ( I had a hernia repair at the time, which sucked big time. )
I woke up in between a memory and a dream...
Tom Petty
It's amazing to me how badly a poorly-functioning gall bladder can make you feel, especially compared to having no gall bladder at all.
From childhood, I had this recurring pain than no one every diagnosed. It wasn't terrible, just persistent. My surgeon removed both my gall bladder and my appendix during my DS, and I haven't had that particular pain since! Had to have been something to do with my gall bladder.
If they DO need to do an open surgery, don't sweat it. My DS was done open, and I swear it didn't hurt a bit more than the laproscopic hernia repair I had.
I actually had a gallbladder attack on 9/30. Apparently it was in very bad shape--my liver and pancreas were inflamed because of the condition of the gallbladder--it ruptured during surgery. After a day of tests, they took it on 10/1/14. I came back to work yesterday. It was done laparscopically--they did say I had scar tissue from my sleeve 10 months ago but it wasn't a problem. I'm a little sore and a little tired but overall feeling pretty good-especially since I had surgery a week and 2 days ago. Good luck on your surgery!