CrossPost: The Naked Truth, Why I'm Having WLS (VSG), requested by OH

Sammy D.
on 10/8/14 2:15 am - New Bern, NC
VSG on 11/06/14

Thursday I begin my 4 week Loser's Bench Boot Camp (Optifast Pre Op Diet). I began to think about what I am about to embark upon. Though I have been nothing but excited and anxious since I seen Dr. Heider, and got my loan for surgery. Now reality is beginning to set in. It is not that I am overly nervous or scared at this point, but I know those thoughts and feelings will begin to creep in as November 6th approaches.

I decided to write this post as something I could go back to and read when the nerves and fear begin to set in, or when I'm post op facing some of the common periods of buyer's remorse, stalls, and in case I have a weak moment and get off plan. I also want to share this for others who may be experiencing some of these very things.

So why am I having WLS?

1. God has convicted me several times about destroying the temple, and He has made a way for me to have WLS even when there seemed to be no way. I must obey God's will.


2. This Surgery is NOT ELECTIVE for me. If I do not have this surgery and change my lifestyle, I WILL DIE at a very early age.

3. My Wife NEEDS me. She is blind and she does so much for me, but actually she needs me to do for her. I have been physically unable to take care of her needs and she is suffering as a result.

4. I want to have children, They deserve nothing less than a loving father that is physically able to do what fathers do.

5. My family is really worried about me.

6. My health is failing me very fast, it is only a matter of time before I am in he hospital fighting for my life.

7. I hurt so terribly bad. I am literally in so much pain I can barely stand or walk for periods of 5 minutes or longer. I am tired of suffering.

8. I want to live life again, get out and actually do things. I also want to be able to do work for God's Kingdom.

9. I am more scared of Obesity related complications than I am surgery complications.

10. I want a career change, and without surgery my options may be severely limited.

11. I no longer want to live a life of "what ifs". (If i did this instead of that, I would be this.)

12. If diet and exercise alone worked for me, I would have had a significant weight loss in my early 20's as I was dedicated for 2+ years. I only lost      30lbs.

13. I'm done with excuses, it's either put up or shut up.

14. I'm tired of feeling old and disabled, I am only 34 and still young.

15. I don't want to sit dying of my obesity and regretting that I let this opportunity pass me by.

16. It is time for me to be happy, and experience the true joy of the Lord.

17. I want to experience all the NSVs others have shared.

18. I want to make God, My Wife, My Family, and My Friends proud of me.

I hope and pray when I come back to revisit this post, and I know I will. I want you to remember why you are or have done this. Get motivated and renew your commitment.

I also hope this helps those who need it. I think it's really important to know why we are considering, doing, or have done this. Sometimes we even need a reminder from time to time.



HW: 478+ Consult: 478 Pre Op: 453 SW: 438 CW: 293 (7-20-15) GW: 225 LBS Gone: 185

VSG with Dr. T. Ryan Heider at the Center for Surgical Weight Loss at Lake Norman 11-6-14

ACTS 2:38

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