Help-VSG leak/stents
In need of advice- surgery date 6/30/14. Leak detected POD-12. Picc line inserted and placed on NPO TPN along with antibiotics. Lots happened since then including 3 more picc lines due to infections. Follow up CT scans showed persistent leak. Admitted to hospital with 104.6 fever on 9/19/14. Treated with antibiotics. First stent placed on 9/23/13 and upper GI next day showed leak still. Another stent placed 9/30/14- a longer one, as well as dilatation. 1 hour post 2nd stent had extreme bout of vomiting with blood. Assured this was ok. Next day leak still seen 😔. Pain meds given which immediately induced vomiting. This has gone on for a week now- usually vomit within 5 mins of pain meds. Today was switched to diff painkiller by mouth. So in last 3 months have had nothing at all by mouth except for contrast dyes. Now today TPN was stopped and if can hold down fluids can go home. Once today pain meds stayed down - took them and then took a walk around hospital unit and then fell asleep for 3-4 hrs. Tried 1 tbs of clear protein and within 2 minutes vomited. Has anyone had this experience? Will my daughter ever be able to eat again??))I'm very worried- 3 months no food, almost 3 weeks in hospital. Really don't want TPN again. Also worried that this whole thing will cause an issue with food and not wanting to eat.
We are so sorry to hear all you are going through. Please be sure and post this on the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy Forum (VSG) forum as well as here.