Surgery Scheduling Question
I work in a similar situation and I went back 6 days after surgery after RNY. Because it was the beginning of the school year and did not want to use up my sick days so early. I thought I would be fine because first week was in service, but it was still a little rough and uncomfortable.Going back I would have waited one more week, then half days the next week then I full time after but that's just me. I haven't had the exhaustion others have reported. For home life my husband helped out tremendously the first week home, then it made him stop because I wanted to get in the habit of doing more for myself and being more active. You children are old enough to fend for themselves for 2/3 weeks. So I would use this 6 months to start teaching them those life skills so you won't have to worry about it the first few weeks after surgery. Freezer meals are great to plan ahead too.
I couldn't drive for 2 weeks per MD order and definitely didn't feel up to it. laundry and dishes are a definite no.
Physically maybe but you will not feel up to it, nor should you. I agree if you can wait till June and heal on your own terms and
on your own timeline it is definitely worth considering.
Hi! I didn't see where you said which surgery you are having, but most people go back to work in 2 weeks. I felt great after one week (RNY) I started driving on the 5th day after surgery after I had my first post-op appointment. They told me I needed to be off pain killers for 24 hours. I don't know how far it is to drive them, but do you have a neighbor or friend who would be willing to drive them for a week,? and you could probably drive them the second week. You have time to figure it out. Good Luck!
Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014
Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16
#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets
Honestly, if I had the option of having several weeks versus 2 weeks - I'd wait until June. I'm pretty sure I'd be in a little bit less pain if I'd been able to really recover for more than a week after surgery.
That said, if it absolutely has to be done - you could probably manage on 2 weeks. I was back to work full-time 6 days after surgery - however I work from home and was able to sit on the couch or in a recliner with my laptop. I couldn't deal with sitting in my desk chair for very long. I was up cleaning at 8 days out from surgery (though I was definitely spent) and I was up to cooking by 14 days out (kids are 1 and 4, so can't really make them do it). My hubby has still been helping a lot, but if he weren't home I'd be okay. I'm now 20 days out and am mostly back to my normal routine, whi*****ludes walking my son to school. I'm definitely not 100% and still can't bend (my squats are getting good!) or lay on my left side - but for the most part I'm functional. :)