Shaving the night before surgery
This may be a stupid question, but I shaved every where before reading the pre-op skin prep directions. Now I'm not sure what do, I'm a little scared to use the surgery is tomorrow. Has anyone else have any experience with this or know if this is okay? Please give some feed back, as it is too late to call my doctors office and ask. Any advice would be much appreciated!
I shaved bare and had my hair and nails done the day before surgery. i certainly wasn't going in there looking like a beast! but that's just my vanity. i had no pre-op skin prep directions, so I can;t comment on that. sounds like your doc has receommended you use some kind of skin wipe? of course, depending how its formulated, it may irritate the newly shaved areas. oh well. either deal with the sting or ditch them, they are not necessary.
I was told not to shave for 2 days prior and given some special body wash I had to use both the night before and the morning of surgery. It is meant to help prevent infection. I would call your docs office, I'm sure you'll be fine but what I am finding out is every doc is different from pre-op, during, and post-op so all of our journeys are different. Best of luck to you and your upcoming procedure!