Just Starting...
This is my first post ever.
I am just now starting my journey to get to VSG surgery. I have to go through a 6 month certification process with my insurance, which seems to be the norm... I have wanted wls for a loooooooong time, but my insurance has never covered it. Now that I have moved back to my home state, it is a covered procedure. Maybe because Mississippi is the fattest state in the nation... I don't know. I'm just happy that it is now covered. I wish I had know this when I moved back in 2010 because I would be in a much better place already... but it is what it is.
I have done everything know to man to lose weight. I have been successful many times but never can seem to break that 200 mark. It is like I get there and stop. Maybe it is because men start paying attention to me and I think I am "ok" again... or what, but I stop. And slowly, like an evil fog, it creeps back again. So here I am at almost 300 pounds.
Gosh, I had to stop after typing that. I don't think I have ever written that down before. It sorta made me a little sick and sad. I am so nervous about this 6 month wait and all the things that I will need to "check off" in order to be approved. They always ask... are you diabetic? do you have heart problems? what medications are you taking? etc. etc. I want to scream... LOOK you idiot! My only "affliction" is that I am fat. I want to avoid all these things. My family medical history should just move me right to the top of the "get her butt in here NOW list" however, insurance likes to do its thing. I suppose Nurse Julie and I will chat once a month for 6 months and then she will say I am good to go. I feel like I am wasting time...
I exercise 5 days a week on my elliptical. I have always done this.
I stopped drinking any kind of carbonated drink this summer and pretty much only do water.
I just eat too much.
I'm a skinny chic trapped in a fat ho's body! LOL!
For the most part, I have a good attitude about myself but I want to lose weight to be healthy. I just turned 43 on Wednesday and I want to continue to have an amazing quality of life. It just seems like the next 6 months are going to creeeeeeep by. Good golly!
Congratulations on being able to start your journey!!
The six months will fly - you'll have lots of meetings, appts. and tests to go through. And it really is a good time to learn more by reading these boards, and it lets you "get your head together" preparing for the big day. The more information, the better. You'll be better prepared for what you have to face, both pre-op and post-op.
Thanks Mary! I am pretty sure I will need to get hooked up with a Behavioral Therapist. Not that I'm crazy (unless you ask my husband) but I wouldn't continue to struggle SO much with my weight if I didn't have some kind of addiction or behavioral issue. I need to unlearn some things.... Everything seems connected to food. How we celebrate, how we comfort, etc.....
Good to know my time will fly by!
I wish you the best of luck on your journey!! Happy Belated Birthday! My surgery was my 40th birthday present (I turned 40 1 week after surgery :)
Lanie; Age: 43; Surgery Date (VSG): 8/12/14 w/complications resulting in RNY next day;
Height: 5' 6" SW: 249 Comfort Zone: 135-140 CW: 138 (10/13/17)
M1: -25 lbs M2: -12 M3: -13 M4: -7 M5: -11 M6: -10 M7: -7 M8: -7 M9: -3 M10: -8 M11: -4 M12: -4
5K PR - 24:15 (4/23/16) First 10K - 53:30 (10/18/15)
Elaine, that's an amazing birthday gift... One I wish I had given myself years ago. But all I can say is, happy to be doing it now!
I noticed you had complications with your sleeve and had to go to RNY... Can you elaborate?
Thanks Z! I really DO think I will probably look into someone to talk to about my eating... As in therapy or a support group. Goodness knows I probably have something going on in my head or I wouldn't be here now. LOL!
hey im there with you, im from michigan and doing the 6month insurance junk. i just had my last weighen and my pre-op visit. trust me it seems like a pole but it will get easier. my best friend told me that every day i have to tell myself it will be ok i will be better when this surgery is done. I hope maybe you can see the light at the end but its kinda blurry right now and im nervous and excited. i have too exercised alot and was part of a gym but sometimes things get out of hand and dont work the way we want them. I've had all the name calling and now im standing my ground and taking my life back! if you want to ever chat like me know ok. good luck!
Thanks Queen! Everyone seems to say it will fly by. I hope so! I know it won't be easy... But I am READY!!! I want to be healthy for me... Not for anyone else! I've never been called names... But I've had the whole, "you have such a pretty face." "Men will take a fat girl to bed, but never down the aisle." "You'd be the prettiest girl in the room if you just lost some weight." Blah blah blah... Well, I'm pretty no matter my weight or my shape... I just want to be healthy! Mean people!!!