My surgeon holding dinner end of October
My surgeon and weight loss team hold a dinner once a year for their post ops. This one is coming up at the end of October. By then I'll be 10 months post op and I'm nervouse I wont be on track for then. Im just coming out of a month stall and am 10lbs behind where I want to be. I have always been self concious about not loosing as much weight as other surgery patients. I try to be logical about it and I know everyone is different but I can't help it. I have kept up with my goal of loosing 10lbs a month average which is comforting except this stall threw me off. I have started to loose again but its not like before. Its a little slower.
I just wanted to share see if anyone had anything to comment. I also have to buy a dress or something and thats not gona be fun.