Goal: Not to eat Halloween candy 2014

Cathy W.
on 9/26/14 8:47 am

The bags of Halloween candy are lining the aisles of stores, ugh!  In years past, I've rationalized eating a few because they are so small that "they won't be a big deal" but they are for me.  I'm on track and want to stay that way despite little Halloween triggers.

A thread on the General Discussion board inspired me so I thought I'd create a goal and invite others to join.  I started a goal not to eat Halloween candy this year.  I hope others will join me with this goal so we can support and reach the goal together.

Thanks, Cathy

on 9/26/14 10:02 am

Great goal, Cathy.

I gave up candy 5 years ago ... And some ways I avoid it are 

1.  Buy it at the last minute .... I actually buy it on Halloween day.

2.  Buy candy that I don't particularly care for.  (peanut butter cups don't enter my house ...not no way, not no how)

3.  Don't open the bags until the Trick or Treaters are starting. ...and my husband is home.  (I have a history of sneak eating).

4.  Last kid gets ALL the candy that is left.  When we are ready to turn off the light, weempty the candy into the last kids bag and shut it down.

When I see candy outside my home, I keep my mantra 'not my food, not my food' and I leave it alone.


