HELP 8 weeks post op from RNY and having a really hard time.
RNY 8 weeks ago. Lots of issues. First bleeding that kept me in the hospital for an extra week. Came out weak and ucky. 3 weeks ago the vomiting started. Nothing would stay down. I've had 2 dilations now. Been doing "oK" since the last one 4 days ago but not great. Been keeping food kinda soft. Last night ate some soup then today had a bb (bariatric bite) of a chicken salad sandwich and 5 min later was holding onto the side of a building while I puked it up. Tonight tried a piece of tomato off a burger and 2-3 bbs of a baked potato and again found myself hugging the porcelain! I have been living on 300 or LESS calories a day for 2 months now and my body is about done. I haven't been able to take my antidepressants for a month now and my emotions are nuts and my head is going to explode at any second.
People keep telling me to hang on, it'll get better but I'm not sure how much longer I can live like this. I feel like my body is just shutting down.
I can't tolerate the protein shakes, just the smell makes me gag. I've been just about living on 2% milk when I can get it down. I started drinking some apple juice (unsweetened) just to get some calories in. I find my life consists of cottage cheese, apple sauce, milk, some juice, Popsicles, and soup. This is not living, it's barely staying alive.
Any thoughts or help is appreciated. OH, I did tell my dr ALL this stuff, he doesn't appear to want to be bothered. I've had to call 3 times since my surgery for complications and every time he told me the same thing. 1st time called with horrible pains in lower left abdomen for 3 days. "Well I'll see you next week, if you're worried or it gets worse, go to the ER." 2nd time called with excessive vomiting "You must not be following the diet, we'll talk about it at your next appointment (in 2 days), if you get worse go to the ER." 3rd time called the day after my first dilation saying I tried to take my meds like I was told but they wouldn't stay down and now I was in terrible pain. Was told "Call the dr that did the dilation and see what he says" REALLY?????? Before my surgery I was told I could call any time with any concern and this is concern I get back! Last appointment I told him if I wasn't able to get my meds in soon I was worried about severe withdrawl issues. He changed the subject and I never got another word from him about it.
I don't currently have a PCP as we just moved and the one I saw is like 12! I'm sorry but I need a dr that's been out of school for more than a week. She was very nice but has no clue how to begin treating/managing my long list of medical issues. She didn't even know what some of them were! Now I'm hunting for another one that has a few years on them. LOL Guess I'll have to call tomorrow and BEG to be seen by someone at least in their mid 30's! 50 would be even better!
Thanks for letting me vent. It's really been rough going.
on 9/28/14 11:43 am
Even as all bite of chicken salad sandwich could be too high in sugar for you right now .....
I would think that unsweetened applesauce, or cottage cheese or a few bites of refried beans with melted cheese would be better options.
Stay as hydrated as possible ...
Call the doc who prescribes your depression medication and ask for advice.
I'm sorry you are having such a hard time, and am especially sprry that your surgeon's office is being so unsympathetic. Unfortunately, they probably get LOTS of similar phone calls and become desensitized to them. It still isn't acceptable behavior – if they are going to be in that business they have to expect those phone calls – but it might help you understand that it isn't personal.
I will be honest and tell you that you are probably causing some of your current issues with the foods you are choosing. If you are having that much trouble with food, you should probably be pretty strict in following the guidelines for someone just a few weeks out.
It sounds like most of what you are eating successfully falls into that category, but it sounds like you need to be pretty conservative about what you eat. It doesn't surprise me that chicken salad made you sick. Lots of people have trouble with chicken even if it is plain, and if the chicken salad was made with mayo your tummy might also be objecting to that. So that can be a double whammy.
Tomatoes and other fruits and veggies probably aren't a good idea for someone having trouble tolerating most foods.
I know it is frustrating to have such a limited diet, but there are other soft, high protein foods you should be able to eat. Things like fat free refried beans, Greek yogurt, eggs (although some people have trouble with eggs and can only eat them cooked a certain way), soft cheeses like string cheese or havarti, or even shredded more solid cheeses.
One of the things that my surgeon suggested for people having trouble with throwing up medications was to drink several additional swallows of water afterward to wash the meds all the way out of the pouch. Once they are into the intestine they are much less likely to make you sick and it is almost impossible to throw them back up.
I hope this difficult stage passes for you quickly. Hang in there.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
I'm trying! :( As I said, I don't have the Dr that did the original Rx's anymore since we moved. Going to try to get into acute care and get another doc.
The chicken salad was at the advice of the nutritionist at the dr office as was the fruit/veges. Since I've not been able to take pills, I can't take my vitamins either so she wanted to make sure I was getting a variety of fruits/veges. I do ok with soft can fruit like peaches and pears. I eat them with the cottage cheese. The bite of chicken was maybe a 1/2 teaspoon if that. :( I think it may have just been too dry? Staying hydrated is another difficult thing since my stomach/esophagus still has spasms that cause pain when I swallow. I keep my food list tacked on the fridge so I don't make mistakes. I guess I should have said "sandwich" since I didn't eat the bread, just the chicken salad. It was on a very fresh croissant though and looked pretty yummy. I can't eat gluten either so couldn't have eaten it even if I wanted to.
I keep trying to think positive - that this will all be worth it - but sometimes it's just hard.
What did other people do when they had times like this? I've had dozens of folks tell me stories about people they know who it took 4-5 months before they could really start to "eat" with out complications. They all had their surgeries 8+ years ago though. It was my understanding that things have really improved since. Is there anyone just 1-3 years out that went through this? How long did it take for things to settle in?
Have you tried unflavored soy protein powder. I hate the smell of whey protein. Unflavored is handy because you can hide it it many different foods. The texture isn't great but alot easier to get down the other protein. Sprinkle a little on everything you can manage to get down and it should help boost your protein. I even put a small scoop in water. Again texture isn't great, little gritty, but has made things alot easier since I can hardly taste is.
Oh, you are having a rough go :(
I had a huge problem with my shakes. I was actually caught crying into one while I was trying to choke it down. I found this brand of protein, and it actually tastes like they say it will taste. You can order the sample pack, which is great while you're still settling into your pouch. I do a half scoop with 4oz water twice a day. Because my pouch is still sensitive to fluid and I have to drink slowly, I find the drinks start to taste too protein like if I mix a whole scoop at once.
No suggestion on the prescription meds, but I will strongly suggest to try and get some vitamins in! You're right about the body not beiing able to stay alive on 300 calories; yes your body willl find energy from stored reserves, but it can't magically make nutrients! I found the Centrum chewable in the flavour burst formula to be rather delicious. They're actually spot on to Skittles :) I just had my labs done last week and, for 7 weeks out, I'm looking good for the nutrients, so give that a go :)
Part of the problem is probably not getting your protein in. Not getting enough protein will cause nausea.
Why haven't you been taking your antidepressants? Discontinuing them suddenly may cause withdrawal symptoms, which can include nausea.
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
I'm sorry you are having a hard time. The first few weeks are tough going for someone who has no complications so add to the fact that it sounds like you have some (stricture? ulcer? stuff going on) that will make it worse.
Try to take it an hour at a time... I really do think (in my non Dr opinion of course) that you need to get more protein in... it helps with healing, fuels the furnace for weight loss and will get you feeling stronger among other things.
I'd be eating pureed and soft protein sources d-foods.html and sipping protein shakes right now. I know you can't take the smell... get a different brand, put it in a travel/sippy sor of mug which will cut down on that. brown-gack.html
Aim for a little better each day and it will get better... you won't be living like this forever I know it seems like the light at the end of the tunnel is never coming but it really will.
That being said... I would make an appointment with your Dr and relay your experiences with him tell him exactly how you wrote above. Ask him for a plan of action and some benchmarks.... "we'll try xyz to make you feel better and if by such and such a date you aren't, we'll do insert plan B" so you and him are on the same page.
Age may not be a disadvantage too... may be more aware of new treatments, protocol and more open to it versus Dr. "I-have-done-this-a-zillion-time-don't-tell-me-my-****"
Don't put pressure on yourself... small steps each day a little more water, a few more bites of protein, build up the strength, keep posting here.
Sending you healing wishes,
~Michelle "Shelly"
Thanks! Have an appointment on Wed with the dr that did the dils. Hoping I won't need another one.
Yes, I had a significant stricture leaving a less than 5mm opening. (12-15 is what they want) Also have significant ulcerations from the meds just sitting in my stomach. :( Taking liquid meds for that. Today even water is painful. One tiny bite of a scrambled egg was like a hot coal and even tiny sips of milk are NOT happening today. Wish there was a way to get an IV going to at least get me hydrated. Going to TRY and get some applesauce in for lunch. Have an appointment with my GI next week Tues so plan to have a list of questions for him then. There has GOT to be another way to get these meds in me! Haven't taken my cardiac meds, chol meds, pain meds, or vits in forever. I'm supposed to be on a blood thinner as well and I don't DARE take those!
I'm hoping if I go in with a list and my husband and say we need to fix this, that the doc will do just what you said and help us make a plan.
I'll keep posting, it's keeping me sane. Thanks for all the help everyone!