Brad Special

on 9/28/14 10:33 pm
VSG on 12/06/12

This is per the national eating disorder information center

Many people with ED-NOS also engage in other symptoms associated with anorexia, bulimia or binge eating, like:

  • Purging, or compensating for normal eating by inducing vomiting, using laxatives or over-exercising - but don't do it often enough to be diagnosed with one of the other clinical eating disorders.
  • Chewing food repeatedly and often spitting it out rather than swallowing it.
  • Binge eating regularly and compensating for it through the use of laxatives or by vomiting, etc.
  • Remaining within their normal weight range despite disordered eating.

Here is the link to the page. http://www.nedic.ca/know-facts/definitions

So yes I would say they were accurate is saying it was an eating disorder.


(deactivated member)
on 9/29/14 10:21 pm
RNY on 08/26/14

Thank yoaprilalamgir. I know there will always be these temptations, I just didn't think they would happen so soon! Hope you figured out your salt cravings!

on 9/28/14 6:07 pm
RNY on 08/07/14

The panic should not be from the lack of stomach pain, but by the use of food to "solve" an emotional moment. Eating the extra wings did not fix the feelings about your step-sister and added stress and worry on top of what you were already feeling

I wouldn't worry about the pouch. Starting on week 5, I was allowed soft solids, and that included shredded chicken. Are you tracking everything you eat? I was blown away that the BBQ sauce on my chicken had TWICE the calories as my portion of chicken and zero nutritional value for me.

Don't compare your weight loss to any one else. We all lose at a different rate, we all have different heights, and we all have different muscle densities. Track your measurements in addition to your weight. Compare yourself to yourself; are you happy with your actions compared to other days?

(deactivated member)
on 9/29/14 10:24 pm
RNY on 08/26/14

Yes, there was sadness and frustration that I turned back to that habit as well. I will be talking it over with my counselor today, even though it is sooo hard to talk. Yes I track everything, even though my NUT said not to track calories I feel it will keep me in check and it is a way for me to track my protein. 

I do need to start taking measurements just need to correctly do it. And yes I am happy with my actions on other days, just need to get more fluids in :) 

Thanks for your reply, I appreciate your words. 

Elizabeth C.
on 9/28/14 11:09 pm - Mansfield, TX

Sounds like you are back on the right track! :)  I have not had the sleeve yet (anxously and not so patiently waiting), but I have been reading a lot of posts and responses on this board.  I don't think you stretched your pouch.  Just get back to the basics and remember your stomach is still healing, so you may not realize you are full.  Eat by measuring your food out and stop.  I know this is easier said than done, but remember you aren't alone... there are tons of people on this board with encouraging words and great advice. :)  You can do this, you have already done great and you will continue to do so!! :)

5'-5" ~ Lap Band 03/2008 Converted to Sleeve 11/6/2014 HW 296 Start Pre Op Diet for Sleeve 226 SW 217 -9 M1: 202 -15 M2: 196 -6 M3: 186 -10 M4: 180 -6 M5: 176 -4 M6: 171 -5 M7: 167 -4 M8: 165 -2 M9: 161 -4 M10: 158 -3 M11: 158 -0

(deactivated member)
on 9/29/14 10:30 pm
RNY on 08/26/14

Thanks for your reply. It is hard to tell if I am full most of the time yet, so yes I do measure out my food and stick with that. I have gotten back to the basics and still trying hard to get that fluid in. 

I wish you luck in with your sleeve. Yes this site is a great resource and as you can see great support :) Thanks so much for your kind words. 

on 9/28/14 11:27 pm
RNY on 08/21/12

First, you didn't stretch your pouch. It's a lot harder to stretch than most people think. At one month out, the bigger danger is that you could damage your sutures. 

I'm concerned about a lot of the responses here. Those advocating chewing and spitting are obviously horrible advice. Nothing, absolutely nothing good will come of that down the road. Anyone who engages in that or similar behavior has much bigger problems to work on.

I am also concerned about all of the "there, there, we've all been there and done that" posts. No, all of us absolutely have not. Most of us do not go off plan while we still have a ton of weight to lose. Certainly not just a month after surgery. For those of us reading OH for a long time, we recognize these "pizza and wings" posts so soon after surgery to be a big red flag. 

It's all well and good to hold someone's hand when they've messed up. I truly believe they what they need more is a really good shake to wake them up. Anyone who thinks eating wings or anything off plan this soon postop needs to examine their relationship with food. It's very worrisome behavior. No, wings won't kill you, or even stretch your pouch. At least not right away. But everyone here wants you to be successful. And the sooner you learn to recognize and address these issues, the happier you will be.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

(deactivated member)
on 9/29/14 10:37 pm
RNY on 08/26/14

Thank you so much for your reply, you are 100% right. Those that are successful with this tool do not do things like I did and it is a red flag, which is one reason I stressed so much. If I did this one month out, what will happen in the future? I know this is a LIFE TIME change, not a quick fix. I have to control the issues in my head now or they will keep me from being successful. I wasn't looking for hand holding when I posted, I am grateful and thankful for all the kind words and support don't get me wrong, but I wanted to know if I stretched my pouch or not. That was my MAIN concern, did I screw up my pouch and *** up the whole thing already. 

Thank you for the blunt reply, that is also needed. As you say shaken is good. 

on 9/30/14 1:27 am

First off, sending good positive vibes your way. You probably didn't screw up the pouch. It takes more than that one meal to stretch it out. You will do well. 

Secondly, giving in to an occasional craving can be good, but just don't over do it. This is not a temporary thing - this is a life changing event. You need to keep a picture in your mind of what you want to look like, and get your sister & her journey to weight loss off. 

Competition may be a good thing but not here- you each heal in your own way, lose weight in your own way. Try making weight loss a taboo subject for a while, & make no comparisons. You need to focus only on you.

Good luck.


on 9/30/14 4:27 am

A behavioral therapist post op . I know you want someone to say oh it's ok. It's not and THREE?? You screwed up , it's not ok. But, it's over, you learned now move on. It's a rough life changing journey but worth it, hugs
