Sleeve shape
However I'm shocked at the mess of what my stomach looks like. Instead of looking like a banana sleeve shape it's more like a scoop of ice cream on a cone. Instead of taking down the RNY pouch he took the pouch stitched it to a sleeve bottom. So where the sleeve and pouch meet it where the leak was and now the stricture.
Will it look better once the stricture is gone? Won't know until it's done. I asked him what happened to our agreement that the rny would be completely taken down he said it was better for me like this cause there was less cutting and rearranging to recover from. I'm just shocked.
10/18/07 RNY ( hw 305 sw 290 lw 189ish) St Joe's 08/14/14 RNY reversal to sleeve. I survived 3 leaks,4 operations and a feeding tube.
First, very glad you have an appointment for dilation, I sincerely hope it is the last time you have to do that.
With respect to your franken-guts, WTF - am I understanding that you still have the blind stomach kicking around inside you (sorry, laptop wont let me use question marks)
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10/18/07 RNY ( hw 305 sw 290 lw 189ish) St Joe's 08/14/14 RNY reversal to sleeve. I survived 3 leaks,4 operations and a feeding tube.
Okay I think I understand then. Nah, you're a sleeve now (although, still a franken-sleeve lol). So they connected the pouch tissue to your stomach tissue (not the remnant one, it was removed) and formed a sleeve out of it, even though it's an oddly shaped one. Gotcha. lol
You never seem to do things the easy way, eh?
K. xo
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