Exciting Weekend Ahead.......
Since my surgery on March 18th, I have commented often on "wow...if you had told me a year ago I would be doing this, I would have laughed......." But I really mean it! Such exciting changes have been happening!
I am working 6 AM to 1PM tomorrow and heading out on an adventure by myself. Mostly by myself! The Dude is going to join me at about noon on Saturday. In the mean time, I am going to be going on a Friday afternoon hike in the Cascade Mts of Oregon, attending a Native American storytelling at the lodge where I am staying.
Up early Saturday morning to hike on the immense Pacific Crest Trail, meet The Dude back at the lodge. Then we are doing a 30 mile bike ride on the Metolious River bike trail! Evening is a Pacific NW First Peoples' Salmon Potlatch dinner followed by drumming and dancing at the evening's bonfire.