Gina K.
on 9/16/14 1:47 am - cleveland, OH

Hello Everyone, 

I had RNY in 2007 no complications and it was great I lost 110lbs felt great!! Then after about i year of turning my life around for the good....Life started to happen and no matter what your plans are sometimes plans just get made for you instead.   Single mother good job great family great boyfriend until he left me for being too fat...that's right..and that was the only reason ashamed to be seen with me. (but don't worry, I let him see me again) LOL.    ANYWAY back to the story, single mom teenage daughter, her father was alcoholic and not any help at all,  my mother moved an hour away and siter and her family followed.  My elderly father and brother lived around the corner and I couldnt leave my dad.  My daughter got into bad crowd she acted tough but was vulnerable and small, I was forced to work OT and be on nights. VERY long story daughter became addicted to heroin and few days after her 18th birthday she agreed to voluntary rehab rather than the jail I was prepared to put her in. (anyone having a drug addicted teen and would like to chat or have my knowledge shared with you I would be happy to help if I can).    While in rehab about a month my daughter got pernission to come out fpr two days to see her father, he was dying of Liver cancer and on his last days and even though he wasnt there for her so many times She always thougt that might change, and his death a few days later was very hard on her....SO ONE MIRACLE>>>MY SOBER brand new daughter! Miracle because getting off heroin especially in these days is a miracle and we count our blessings.........

SO right now I am going to stop my story leading up to the STOMAPHX procedure  I have scheduled for tomorrow so you don't have to read all that unless you want to later.

So for past 3 years a very deep depression has had  hold of me, I am being treated but I have gained about 50 lbs. making depression worse as well as making my health suffer.

After an endoscopic proedure to repair bleeding ulcer and follow up, my dr. told me about Stomaphyx , said I am good candidte and and to make appt. in 3 months to plan this procedure and that was two weeks ago so tomorrow is the day. I have researched it and have even watched the procedure done on youtube.

I would like to know if anyone has had it done or knows of anyone?  I will share my experience as soon as I feel up to it and hopefully my progress along the way to losing this 50lbs...I hope So if you have regained weight research and see if you might be a candidate.  

so Best wishes , thanks for reading and hope to add on to my story in a few days.


Member Services
on 9/16/14 3:31 am - Irvine, CA

Hi Gina 

We did a search for you on the Stomaphx procedure. Here is a link to what came up.,search_oh/?q=STOMAP HX&cx=000946886326336472648%3Ae-vpeg4uyxw&cof=FORID%3A9

We hope this helps and good luck with your surgery!  Please update us on how you are doing.




on 9/16/14 8:32 am - Vancouver, WA

From what I've read on the revision board here neither stomaphyx or the rose procedure are very effective. May lose 20 lbs or so but nothing significant. I wish you well but don't expect miracles.

Amy Farrah Fowler
on 9/16/14 10:57 am

Been reading posts on it for several years, but nothing positive. Some weight loss from the pre-post diet, then nothing. 

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 9/17/14 12:52 pm - OH

As the others have said,the statistics aren't very good.  I know one person who had it done and she lost less than 20 pounds (and most of that was in the 2 week post-op period when she didn't feel like eating much)!


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

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