Pre-op Diet
Well I start my Pre-op Diet in the morning. My surgeon wants me to do it from now till 5 days before my surgery and them at the 5 day mark switch to a clear liquid diet. I wonder how much I will lose during this diet? I am scared about this but I know that if I want to stay living I have to have this done period! But anyway I have only told a few people about the surgery, my parents, my sister, my co worker friend, and my brother oh yea my boss so that I can make sure I am getting the days off work to be able to have this done.
I live with two other people and one has the lap band but does not have it filled right now. So anyway I have taken over apart of the ice box and filled it with protein drinks. I am ready for this
T-22 days
on 9/12/14 10:29 am
Best of luck.
A few things that helped me in the past with a liquid diet.
1. Plan for the first 3 days to be tough, and be nice to myself with extra sleep, bubble baths, trashy magazines or a new knitting project to distract my hands.
2. Make a list of 25 things to do besides eat ..... Refer to the list when it is not food time, but I am hungry
3. Flavored tea ... Especially in the evenings .. Soothing and comforting.
Good luck. You know my Doc gave me the same pre-op diet. I start protein shakes Monday 9/15, and a couple days prior to surgery on Oct 6th I go to clear liquids. I feel the same way kind of scared/nervous about a liquid diet, like you I remind myself that I can do it, and feel good about accomplishing it. Gods speed :)