Weird skin reaction to Lovenox?
I'm a month out from surgery today, and FINALLY done with the Lovenox injections. About two weeks after I started them, I developed a very itchy red rash on my abdomen. The doc gave me some antihistamines (also said I could take chewable Benadryl, which I've been doing at night), along with prescription-strength hydrocortisone. None of these helped that much, but did at least appear to keep the allergic reaction from getting worse.
Has anyone had anything similar, and if so, how long did it take for the rash to subside? I've had allergic reactions and skin rashes before, but this one is strange. The skin is raised and hard. (Difficult to explain, but where my abdomen is usually squishy--for lack of a better word!--it's very firm.) It's definitely not irritation from the injection sites--I had some of that as well--because it's one solid area, not a bunch of bumps.
Thanks in advance!
Perhaps it is a concentrated area of hives? It's kind of hard to envision what you as describing (just as it's hard to describe, I'm sure!).
I once had an allergic reaction to Vit K injections while in the hospital, and had hives all over my arms, but it was not just limited to the injection site (but wasn't anywhere EXCEPT on my arms). After several injections, the hives "patches" were so pervasive that it looked like one giant hive across my entire upper arm on both sides.. I also developed a low grade fever.
They finally decided that it was an allergic reaction to the preservative or the suspension in the injection (since they claimed it was "impossible" to be allergic to the Vit K itself).
The cortisone cream they have me did nothing, so they gave me some kind of injection. Sorry that I don't remember what it was. At the time I didn't even care, I just wanted them gone.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
I have about 2 dozen black and blue injection sites all over my lower belly. No rash or irritation, just all bruised! I had to do 10 days. I would get a hard spot at the injection site if I would inject too fast, but after massaging it would subside.... so nothing like you mention. I would have it rechecked out.
I have had to take Lovenox injections for years. I have a blood disorder that requires me to take them before any surgical procedure (since I was 17), and whenever I am not therapeutic on Coumidin (a pill form of blood thinners). Bruising around the injection site is normal and to be expected. I have only had 1 nurse my whole life who could give me the injections without any bruising, and luckily she happens to be my sister. Rashes around the injection site are something that I never experienced with that med, although it does not seem too far out of the realm of possibility. Those injections burn like a beast and they do itch. If you did any sort of scratching, it would not surprise me if you have some skin irritations. You are doing the right thing by letting your doctor know, but if it has changed at all (not getting better) since you last saw him, I would definitely have it checked out again. The last thing you need is skin break down. Please keep a close eye and follow up.
After my VSG on July 29th I developed a very large rash on the right side of my torso. It was concentrated only on the right, from the belly button around to the spine. I asked my surgeon about it at my 1 and 2 week post op visits. He did not seem concerned. After 3 weeks, I saw my PCP and he seemed to think it was a weird case of the shingles. Just recently, it cleared up. I still don't know what the reaction was from. Good luck!