Reversing the surgery because of recurring kidney stones
I have had recurring kidney stones for over a year and have been in and out of the hospital over 7 times due to them. I was told that the kidney stones are a side effect from the gastric bypass. I was just told today that the last resort is to hves the gastric bypass reversed. Has anyone heard of this and what are your thoughts?
Thank You,
The stones aren't really a "side effect" of the RNY but it does make us more prone to them. Because the chances of developing both kidney stones and gall stones increases with age, you might have started having trouble with them even without the RNY. Reversing a RNY is serious business and wild be a LAST resort!
What have they already done to try to treat and prevent them? What kind of stones are they? Have they done a full urinalysis (usually this involves collecting urine for 24 or 48 hours and sending it to a special lab)? What medications have they tried?
There are some things that you can alter as far as diet and supplements that can minimize the formation of stones. What type of calcium are you taking? How much per day? What kind of a multivitamin do you take? How much protein do you eat per day? How much water do you drink per day?
What doctor (surgeon, urologist, PCP) told you that you might need to have the RNY reversed??
I have had 4 incidents of stones since my RNY 7 years ago (and never had them before my RNY), so I can only imagine having had so many problems in just a year or two. No way would I personally let them reverse my RNY, though, unless we had tied everything else and they could prove that the reversal would alleviate the stones.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
Oh my! I don't want to hear this!!! lol I am 3.5 months post op from RNY surgery and last week was thought to have kidney stones! We aren't sure since the ultrasound came up negative (it was done a few days after the attack so I could have passed the stone). There were lots of white blood cells in my urine though and I had a fever, so my doc thought that's probably what it was. My god if this continues on....I don't know what to do! I didn't know we were more prone to stones after surgery, but I know that not drinking enough can cause them as well. Lucky for me, I have no gallbladder so I get a pass on those stones this time!
Dehydration is what we are more at risk for (especially in the first few months... when they say sip sip sip they mean it.) Dehydration can lead to kidney stones but its also one of the main reasons for post surgical readmittance. I feel for you... had some pre- WLS and 2 post and it's not fun for sure... I have a high tolerance for pain and it was bad. I am not the bes****er drinker but the thought of that pain makes (even a twinge) makes me run for a water bottle every time. Thankfully as it became easier to get a little more in, it hasn't been an issue.
Have they tested you for hyperparathyroidism? yperparathyroidism My sis had tons of stones and they ended up removing her parathyroid and she has never suffered with them again. Hope they get to the bottom of the issue. Sending good wishes your way.
~Michelle "Shelly"
I would explore ALL my options before I'd consent to reversing my WLS. I suggest you seek out some groups that focus on kidney stones or kidney disease. The RNY doesn't really cause any biological changes that would keep you from taking good advice from 'normies'.
It's important that you take ENOUGH calcium of the RIGHT KIND (Calcium citrate) in order to minimize kidney stones. I don't have any personal experience with kidney stones, but I have a friend whose doc told she was low in citrate and that was why she was having so many stones.
Thank you for all responding. I am seeing several other doctors for thier advice before I even consider this an option. I'm mortified to even try to reverse the procedure, I mean where did they put the stomach after the initial surgery in the first place? I am very scared because I have gone to the Urologist and Nephrologist. They have both tested me for all kinds of different things and coming up empty handed.