Moms not supportive. At. All.

on 9/9/14 1:43 pm

Sorry you are having to deal with this on top of everything else associated with getting the surgery.  Moms can be the worst, can't they?  Just remember, this is YOUR life.  YOUR body.


i will be right behind you as my surgery is on the 24th.  I am excited and scared, both, and I really don't need to hear objections from anyone else.  They don't have to live inside my body, right?

good luck to you, and I will send you cyber support and hugs.

on 9/9/14 1:43 pm

Sorry you are having to deal with this on top of everything else associated with getting the surgery.  Moms can be the worst, can't they?  Just remember, this is YOUR life.  YOUR body.


i will be right behind you as my surgery is on the 24th.  I am excited and scared, both, and I really don't need to hear objections from anyone else.  They don't have to live inside my body, right?

good luck to you, and I will send you cyber support and hugs.

on 9/9/14 7:37 pm

Sorry to say family, co-workers are some of the worse people to pick for support. I know this to be true due to past experiences. I've told only a choosen few,as for the rest they are still trying to guess how I'd lost the weight. I'm sure they have an idea but I will not confirm. Stick with your  choosen support team, too many people with their indifferent in put only can make your life changing decision more confusing. And that will result in a kill joy for you. Continue to consult with your new peers, support groups at your clinic, and site's like this one.

Good Luck 

on 9/9/14 8:09 pm

I may be jumping to conclusions, but I bet this isn't the first time that your mother has been critical of one of your choices.  We expect our parents to support our decisions, but sometimes they don't...and it's sad in this instance because she is coming at this from a completely ignorant point of view (you'll live a short life? this will extend your life!).

I will say, my mother was very skeptical at first, she thought it was an extreme measure for someone like me to take because I'm "not that bad" (bless her heart, I am 5' 6" and was 318, LOL), mostly because I don't have any comorbidities, although I do have MS which being super morbidly obese only makes mobility harder.   She was only convinced that this is a necessary surgery when speaking with her good friend who is a psychologist and has had many patients who were very successful with WLS in general.

And as far as this not being hard, HA!!!!  I would like to see whoever says that go on a liquid diet for two weeks and then see how "easy" that is!  My surgery is also on 9/16 and I'm now solidly into my last week of the liquid diet, and IT HASN'T GOTTEN ANY EASIER.  LOL  :)

Overall, keep your head held high!  You may not have your mom's support, but you will have tons of support here!

on 9/9/14 8:50 pm

Thank you for the response! My surgery is 9/16 also. Congrats! And good luck. Let's keep in touch!

5'7" 280 gastric bypass scheduled for 9/16/2014

on 9/9/14 8:55 pm

As of last night the text I received said, "still can't talk you out of this surgery?"

My response was something about one of my daughters and her awesome tests scores, and I moved on. She didn't bring it up again. 

All of your responses have reiterated to myself that I am doing this for me, and people will be judgemental and even though I'd like to have my moms support I can do this with or with out it. 

I appreciate all the support more than anything and will definitely be using this site for strength and motivation!


5'7" 280 gastric bypass scheduled for 9/16/2014
